Owl vs Dragon

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Mumei pov: "Do you two have to fight?" Kiara asked us as we all walked to the combat room.

"Yes, we need a real fight, so we will see that I'm going to be the winner," I stated.

"Alright then, but be careful!" Kiara said

I smiled, but I could tell Nerissa didn't want to see this fight for some reason.

"You ready, Selen?" I asked

"When you are!" She responded

"Begin!" We both said after I gave the thumbs up

Selen flew forward and threw a barrage of punches, but I dodged all of them "too slowly."

Selen smirked, "Hmph-how about this?"

She went to stab me with her tail, but I flipped over. I lunged at her, but her tail went and tried to stab me over and over again. I had to keep dodging by flying in mid-air.

The assault continued until she almost stabbed me in the neck, so I stopped her attack by grabbing her tail and began to spin. "So long!" I yelled and went to throw her, but not only was she sent flying, but her tail ripped off. "Oh fuck!" I yelled

Selen caught herself and landed. She obviously tried to use her tail as an extra brake, but it was gone. "Damn, that hurts." She growled

"Selen, are you okay?" Pomu yelled

"Yeah, I'm part chameleon." She said A new tail busted out of the tail stub left, and she panted, "It's exhausting to regenerate."

"I wouldn't know because I can't do it." I sighed

"So if I dismember you, then it'll be permanent, even better!" Selen yelled

"That is what I like to hear!" I yelled

I punched her across the face, but she tanked it, lifting up her dragon arm, and she punched me as well, but I took it.

"Your scales hurt a bit!" I said

"Yeah, I bet!" She laughed

I sighed, and then I wrapped my legs around her neck, tightly choking her a bit. "Don't get used to this veil!" I shouted and flew like a back-lit "don't!" I hissed before slamming her into the ground.

"Gah," she gagged, her tail wrapped around me, and I was lifted up. She put me in front of her and began to punch me repeatedly. "Mumei, you like this, don't you?" She yelled

"I do like this, and you!" I said


I used this one second of distraction to rip her tail off again, and then I began to punch her five times in the face, once in the stomach, and when she fell forward, I kneed her in the face, and she went flying back, smashing into the wall.

"Get up..." I panted

A moment later, Selen got up and walked out of the rubble. She became visible to me, and I noticed her body began to grow scales out of it.

"I haven't seen that in a while." I commented

"I haven't been pushed enough to begin to revert back into a dragon." She said

"I'm glad I can make you sweat," I said.

"I need to finish this..." She panted

She flew at me and flexed her tail stub at me, regrowing her tail. Then and there, "shit," I said as I flew up and dodged it. I yanked my dagger out and slashed at her face, but my attack was stopped by one of her scales since I went for a shallow cut instead of a deep, damaging one.

She swipped her dragonic arm, trying to slash me with her nails, but I bent backwards, dodging it. I then tried to kick her, but her human arm blocked that.

"Clever girl..." I said.

"Idiot..." She slyly said

We both flew back a safe distance and began to evaluate the situation.

"I just need to push you a little more." I stated

Selen rolled her eyes. "I have to do that too," she said as she copied my words.

"You are really a feisty dragon." I said

"Yeah, I know," she stated.

I took off my cloak and threw it. "Zeta catch!" I yelled

"She isn't even—" Kiara was cut off as Zeta ran in and grabbed my cloak.

"Got it!" She said

I smiled. "Let's end this." I said

"We aren't even close..." Selen replied

She was right. We aren't even close to being satisfied.

I ran at her and thrust my knife, going to hit her with air pressure. She made an "x" with her arms and blocked it.

"Damn..." She panted

"You blocked that cool," I laughed.

Selen didn't say a word; she just dashed at me and punched me as hard as she could. My head turned fully, and she didn't expect me to let her turn my head on purpose, so she was thrown off.

"Now it's my turn!" I yelled

I kicked her in the head but stopped before her breaking point.

"Mumei, you could have won there," she yelled.

"Yeah, but I need a rival," I told her.

She smirked, knowing I was saying that to rile her up, I want her at 100% not to hold back.

"I will make you regret winning now!" She stated

I smiled and said, "I won't." I said

She sighed "You will..." She said

We both began to rapidly punch each other as we picked up speed and hit each other more and more. I noticed scales popping up more and more.

"You are turning into a full dragon," I said.

"Who cares?" She asked

That is a fair question. I just wanted to tell her since she doesn't want to become a full dragon since her massive size won't be good for battle.

"Are you going to shoot fire at me?" I asked

"Has fire ever worked?" Selen asked

"No, but I'm shocked you won't even try it; this is a serious battle anyway," I said.

"Then use your giant gavel." Selen said

"Yeah, I'll pass..." I told her

"Why is it a serious battle?" she mocked.

She was being snarky. I guess it's time to end this after all and go all in.

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