Ina's Weakness

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Ina pov: Sana was lying on my thighs, letting me use my tentacles to brush her hair.

"Sana, I want to get stronger." I told her.

"Why?" Sana asked me.

"I'm way too weak..." I mentioned

I began to remember what happened in the past...

"Can't you see all hope is lost?" they said.

I stared at the two girls lying on the ground. Irys made me mad, but seeing Sana hurt made me furious.

I opened up my ancient tome and said, "Here's my plea; I'll give you all of me. Just let me save everyone." I said

"Good," a voice in my head stated.

The moment they fully regenerated, there were already eight new holes in their bodies from my tentacles.

"Wait, this power!" They yelled

Tentacles so dark that they blended into the boundary appeared. I will not let this person get their way.

"No, it's my Advent!" Omegaα yelled

Gura appeared beside them, glowing a dark red color. "Shut up..." She snarled before punching the being.

"You people continue to get in my way." They scoffed

"Of course, after all, we are myth!" Ame yelled as she jumped at the enemy.

"You are stupid," they said.

Parts of Ame and Gura were shot through, leaving a gap of negative space. Both girls fell to the ground but began to stand up. "Omegaα!" Calli screamed

She swung Ricky with her left hand, only for it to get cut off. She looked at her arm, which began to leak blood.

My body won't move...

"Ina'nis escape..."

The ancient ones are talking to me, trying to make me take the coward's way out.

Calli grabbed her scythe again and ran at Omegaα once again.

"Insolence, you lost your arm!" They yelled

"I can regenerate!" She yelled as she swung the scythe. Omega caught it, however.

"Calli, move to your left!" Kiara screamed

Calli did as told, and Kiara flew in, blasting Omega with fire

"Gyaaaa!" They screamed in agony.

"Hehehehe... Irys made your regeneration slower." Kiara laughed

"We need to win, whatever it takes!" Amelia yelled

"Yeah, whatever it takes..." Gura groaned

My body still won't move. I wanted to help Irys and Sana, but now that everyone else is in danger, my body won't move forward. I already said I would give everything I have, so why can't I move?

I need to move before something happens to those four. I can't sit here and do nothing; I have to move, but my body is destroying itself right now.

"Body, move!" I yelled.

"Ina'nis run," they told me again.

"Body moooooooooove!" I yelled

"It's over," Omegaα yelled.

"Eh... Ina?" Kiara said it in shock.

I looked around, not knowing how I managed to get in front of the others when I was behind them a moment ago, and Omegaα vanished.

I looked around, expecting a sneak attack, only to see her on the ground.

"Did I do that?" I questioned

"Yeah," Ame said.

"Huh. My body is still so stiff, though," I said.

Omegaα began to get up and glare at me; they clearly were infuriated by me hitting them like that, but at the same time, what is wrong with that?

"We need to end this. Everyone stand back," I said.

They did as told, and I summoned tentacles again, firing the tentacles at them all, as they were too fast for her to react to.

"Ina, you can't beat her," Mumei telepathically told me.

I know I can't beat them, but that is beside the point. I can't be afraid to fight; I at least have to try to fight, or else nothing is going to happen.

I at least have to try for Irys and for Sana. I have to try to end this once and for all. I am Mumei's servant, and I still have to carry her burdens.

Omegaα began to overpower my tentacles. They were learning about my attacks and watching my patterns closely. They understood how to beat me. This really isn't good in the end, and I can't trust that I'll be able to even do much more than this.

"Give up! I clearly read all your moves!" Omegaα declared

"You may know my moves, but I'm faster and stronger!" I yelled

Faster and stronger? That is a lie. I'm out of my league here; I can't compete with this, to be completely honest.

"Hurry up and get out of my sight!" Omegaα yelled

"I refuse!" I yelled

Well, then I'll seal you," they stated.

I didn't know what that meant, but beams of light shot down all of a sudden and hit me, pinning me to the ground.

"This will make it so you can't move for the time being," I was told.

"False," is all I said before firing my tentacles at her.

They slammed into the ditch, and they were on the ground yet again.

"That is it!" They screamed before suddenly erupting, sweeping everyone up except for me.

"Ninome Inanis, you were a thorn in my side," Omegaα told me coldly.

"As long as I can protect Sana, that is all that matters, so try to incinerate me; I'll hit you first!" I said

"Yeah," they told me.

They began to charge up anyways, so I had a feeling she was just going to negate me somehow and stop my tentacles; they couldn't seal my powers fully, but still, it is difficult for me right now. I'm a sitting duck.

"Sana I couldn't stand up to Omega, and I am not strong enough to save anyone," Isaid

"Why?" she asked.

"The ancient ones shut down my body; they didn't want me to do things at all," I said.

"Ina, you are sweet. Don't worry, you need to get stronger, and I will help you!" Sana said

"I love you, Sana!" I said as I kissed her.

"I love you too!" She told me

I want to get stronger and so I need to figure out how to get stronger

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