Back To Her Feet

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Flare pov "Noe-chan..." I sighed as I clutched the girl's hand. She is still asleep. I just want her to wake up.

I began to frantically look around as the ground began to shake. "an earthquake?" I questioned

This is the Mystical Forest, which doesn't suffer natural disasters. It's supposed to be a safe haven, so what is going on?

"Flare, look," Marine said in shock.

I looked at the TV and saw the state of the world. Cities and towns all throughout the world had been lifted into the air by some unknown force.

"The hell is going on!" Rushia screamed as she slammed into the table.

"Oh, I forgot you were here," I commented.

"The death toll is unknown as of now, but we are thinking it is in the high thousands."

The newscaster kept updating frantically as he was suddenly picked up by the force. Luckily, we are in the Mystical Forest, so the worst we are probably going to get is this earthquake.

They cut to live footage on the news, and it instantly cut off as the news helicopter crashed.

"Are we going to go out and help?" Marine asked

"Screw that..." I commented that I felt someone walk up behind me and begin to massage my shoulders intensely. "Ahn... Noel..." I gasped as the knight massaged my shoulders.

"Wait-Noel!?" Marine shouted

"I'm back, Peko," the bunny girl said as she walked in with a basket of carrots and Moona by her side. As she saw Noel, she dropped the carrots.

"She's awake..." Ru-chan said

"She's been awake..." I sighed

Yup, the healing ointment has done factors for me; my face has come back!" Noel laughed

She unwrapped her face, and it showed it was cleared up; it wasn't melted anymore, luckily.

"So are we helping people or not?" Marine asked

"No-we are not," I said.

"Why not Flare?" Noel asked

"Honey, the humans have hurt the elves too much; I refuse to help them," I said.

Noel nodded, and she hugged me. "I'll do whatever you want," she said.

"Are you still mad at the humans?" Ru-chan asked

"Yes..." I gave it some thought. "Sort of" I changed

"The humans are sweet to us now," Pekora said to everyone.

I sighed There are some nice humans. I'm even dating one, but just because I love her doesn't mean I will forgive the humans.

"We should save my family, though," Noel said.

"That is true; I do owe your parents a lot."

Noel kissed me on the cheek, and I smiled. "You're cute," She said to me.

Thanks," I laughed.

"The world is having a crisis, and your flirting adds up." Moona said

Well, why wouldn't we? Flirting is our way to ignore what is happening all around the world. We don't want it to dictate our lives forever. After all, we want to live happily and never be sad, so flirting is a way we can always be happy all day and every day.

"The world is in shambles." Moona sighed

"We are all aware that the world is in shambles, but that isn't the problem; I don't know what we are going to do about things," Marine said.

"We could make a difference, Peko," Pekora said.

"Or we could go out on the field and be betrayed." I growled

Pekora and I shouldn't be trusting humans so readily, but time and time again we let our guard down, and just because Mumei is watching over us doesn't mean anything. The world will get worse and worse; it is human nature.

The earthquake finally stopped, and we were able to move around freely once again, not that the earthquake really affected us much.

We looked at the TV and saw that there has been a mass criminal outbreak, and since Holox is in power, the rest of the world needs their permission to retaliate. We really aren't in a good position right now.

This really isn't good. Not that the Mystical Forest is affected by any of this, but at the same time, we do have to worry about the state of everything else in the world.

What is going to happen now that things are floating in the sky? Maybe nothing will change except aesthetics, but who knows what will happen?

"What the hell is going on?" Ru-chan asked

"We don't know, but you must be happy since you are a necromancer; you will have a lot more bodies to manipulate," I said.

"Ehhhh, don't say that!" Ru-chan shouted

Well, she does have a point," Noel said.

"You'd side with Flare no matter what!" Marine said

"Not true; if we had to split into two groups, I wouldn't side with her if she suggested I go with anyone but her," Noel said.

"You are obsessed with her, Peko," Pekora said.

"Says you," Moona giggled.

Pekora stared at her girlfriend and said, "You are..." She replied

The two girls laughed, but I was confused that she didn't put "Peko" at the end of her sentence, so is it something she chooses to put at the end of her sentences or not?

"Shachou, do you want to check the outside world?" Moona asked

"Yes..." The bunny girl said

Moona frowned and hugged her. "Not yet. Let's at least wait until things get a little better."

Moona was saying facts. We do need to wait for things to get better. What are we going to do if one or many of the mass outbreaks find the Mystical Forest?

"Aki-senpai hasn't come back yet." Noel said

I nodded, but she is with Roboco-senpai, so I'm sure she is right now. I don't know if she knows what is going on right now; she must.

"Iofi and Risu should be a bit shaken up. I'm going to check up on them, okay, Shachou?" Moona asked

"Roger that!" Pekora said

I wondered if the temporary is different in the world now. What about the underworld? I wonder if all the dimensions are in shambles as well.

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