Pt. 3

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Woah, there is some strange magical presence here.

We were at the entrance of the forest; the edge of town. The magic I sensed seemed nothing like what I've ever sensed before. The only answer I could come up with was that it was either lost magic or a new magic, the latter being unlikely.

"Hey, are you kids thinking of going in there!?" I looked to the source of the voice. They were some kind of officers, ones who ran the town most likely. There were 2 of them. One had spikey hair that was obviously gelled to stand straight up like that. The other one had a mohawk cut with longer excess hair that was tied into a neat braid that laid on the back of his neck.

"Um, yeah actually. We're looking for someone who should be in town but we were told by some others that this would be the only place that they would be, if they were actually in town." Wendy replied.

The officers shared a look before turning back to us with wide eyes and shocked faces. "I'm sorry but I can't allow some kids to go in there. Especially if you're unsure that you'll find what you're looking for in there. It's too dangerous." The one with the spikey hair states.

"Hey buddy, I'll let you know we're members of the Fairy Tail guild and we can hold our own against whatever's in there!" I said proudly showing off my emblem. Carla, Happy, and Wendy turned so that the officers could see their emblems as well. 

The two officers eyes widen once again and quickly get on their knees and start to plead for forgiveness for calling us just some kids.

We start to walk through the forest. I take notice that the trees here are much different than the trees in Magnolia's forest. They were thick and blocked out a lot of the sun and even though they towered us as well, this time it felt like we were caged in. Of course, I didn't know if that was due to the weird magic power or not.

"Hey look! I think that's a bit of light up ahead!" Wendy exclaims. We pick up the pace and start to run towards the patch of gold up ahead. What lied there was... confusing to say the least.

"What is it?" Happy questioned.

Under the little light that peeked through the opening of the forest laid a creature. It had 3 horns; one on his nose and 2 growing on the side of its head. It had the snout of a cow but the body of a - dare I say - pig, paws of a bear, and a tail of some kind of lizard but to top it all off, there was a pair of wings folded into the side of the creature's body; one of which was an eagle's wing while the other was a dragon's. It seemed to be sleeping soundly at the moment and looked as if it was taking the sun's light and recharging with it. Then, there was a sound of wings flapping.

"Everyone hide!" I whisper-yelled.

The beating of the wings got louder and louder and the feel of the wind went from a breeze to a gust. I tried not to think that it might've been a dragon but, could you blame me? What if it was Igneel? Any hope of it being remotely close to a dragon was quickly forgotten as the mystery beast came into sight. The weird creature started to stir and wake up upon hearing this sound as well.

The big beast we hid from turned out to be a normal wyvern. A green one to be exact. It's just what you'd expect, a massive green scaly lizard with a white underside. Except, this one acted a bit differently. In its mouth, it seemed to have a fish, which was given to the strange creature. Of course, Happy had to give away our hiding spot at the sight of fish so we had no choice but to fight, well, I've been itching to get some more action in since I've just been down in the dumps for the past few days so, I'm not complaining.

Once the wyvern saw us, it started to charge at us. Wendy and I blew it away quickly.

"Fire Dragon: Roar" "Sky Dragon: Roar" We said at the same time, combining our attacks to get a much more powerful one. I high fived Wendy but the other creature caught us off guard and knocked the two of us down. 'Huh? I thought it was being taken care of by the wyvern, because it was a baby or whatever right?' I thought.

Carla and Happy came over and brought us into the sky, where we could have a bit more room to fight. '2v2, I like the sound of that.' 

Happy escalated in height before reaching a certain point and dropped me and swooped down alongside me to catch me after my next attack.

"Fire Dragon: Wing Attack" I made the wyvern lose focus for a second, therefore leading it to lose a bit a leverage, before it flew back at me. Happy caught me and got me out of the way just before the wyvern got me but it knocked Wendy and Carla out of the sky. 

"It doesn't look like the other creature can fly, you can get an advantage over it Wendy. I'll leave it to you two to take it out. I've got the wyvern." I called out to Wendy and Carla who were falling. I heard a crash but refused to look back.

"We're okay!" I heard Wendy's voice say. I let a smirk play onto my lips.

The wyvern saw that Wendy was going to attack the other creature and tried to dive down and help it but that wasn't going to play out, not on my watch.

"Fire Dragon: Iron Fist" That knocked the wyvern off course and turned its attention to me. "Hey, I'm your opponent so don't go tangling yourself with someone else's battle." The wyvern started to charge at me again. Big mistake. "Fire Dragon: Brilliant Flame" I knocked the wyvern out it fell to the forest floor, landing with a loud crash, doubtlessly knocking some trees down with it.

Happy and I quickly flew back to where Wendy and Carla were fighting the strange creature. There was a dust at the time but when it cleared, our eyes widened. Wendy and Carla were both down and there wasn't a scratch on the creature. That made my blood boil and I charged towards it without any thought of strategy. 

"Fire Dragon: Freestyle" "Fire Dragon: Crushing Fang" Using whatever boost I could, I sped towards the creature and tried landing an attack on it. But somehow it dodged and with a flick of its tail, sent me flying backwards. I landed on the floor with a thud and skidded backwards a bit, resulting in bruises and cuts. 'How did it dodge my attack, I was going really fast!' I got back up onto my feet and got ready for the next attack. 'I need to end this now.'

"Fire Dragon: Secret Art, Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade" The circular motion helped my flames spread and engulfed the creature in my torrent. 'That should do it!' Miraculously, the creature was able to still get back up. It charged towards me but I barely had any strength to dodge. 

I was pushed back and landed on my back. My eyelids felt heavy, my breathing seemed unstable, my friends were momentarily forgotten while I felt like passing out. "NATSU!!"

My eyes fluttered open and I regained my strength. 'I'm not fighting for my own entertainment right now, I'm fighting to protect my friends, and if I give up now, I shouldn't have the right to call myself a member of Fairy Tail, because Fairy Tail doesn't know when to give up!' I tried sitting up but before I knew it the creature flew above me and I was being mercilessly beaten. My magic energy was slipping away from me, I was almost depleted. 'It takes a lot of energy but it's going to be the only thing fast enough to hit it. Now or never!' 

"Lightning Flame Dragon: Roar" 'I think I hit it. My vision's really blurry...' I passed out.

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