Pt. 16

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"Hi Lucy, something you're looking for specifically?" I put down the book I was ready and raised my glasses so they were resting on my head. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

"Actually yeah. Have anything on a sea monster called Meglodanis?" I asked Mira.

"I think I've heard of it before." She walked over to one of the far shelves. "It's an S-class monster, a legend." Her finger ran over the book spines. "That monster usually dies on its own after spending a few weeks in the world. Then it reappears every 15 years. It can only be gone once and for all by a predatory death. Meaning either a hunter or wizard has to kill it." She pulled out a book. Her expression lit up. "Here it is!" She walked over and handed me the book.

"Thanks Mira!" I starting scanning the book. I set it down and put my Gale-Force glasses back on. I heard Mira laugh.

"I think there's a couple more over there. Have fun!" She was already walking away.

Eventually it took a couple hours for me to finish noting down everything that could help us in battle against the monster, even with the enchanted glasses. I let out a sigh. Even though it was quiet down here, I needed Aquarius. We would have to come up with a plan together. Guess right in front of my house is alright too.

[Switching POVs]

(A/N Now we get to see another story as Lucy defeats that monster cuz we need to get this story back on track)

I felt my eyelids start to get heavy. I didn't want to look like those idiots by riding a train so I walked. I was on the other side of Bosco so it took quite a while but, I was almost there.

My amazing girlfriend had called me to come over to her guild 'cause she said she wanted to tell me something in person. Well, I did too.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the little black box. I ran my fingers over it before lifting the lid up. I felt my heart start to pound a bit again, feeling myself get nervous of asking all over again. The ring was a beautiful piece of jewellery. With a silver form and an amethyst that matched the colour of her hair. (A/N I lowkey don't know what marriage rings look like🤷🏼‍♀️)

I gently put the ring away, excitement filling up my chest. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her! 

I yawned. I was so excited to get there, that I missed out on a couple nights' sleep to arrive faster. 'Should I have taken something like the train?' I ask myself again but ultimately discard it. I don't want to look like a mess on such a big day.

The drowsiness washed away briefly when the famous city of Magnolia came into view. 'Never have I ever been this excited about seeing Fairy Tail.' I joked with myself.

"Hello, Erik. Would you like something to eat?" The white-haired server asked nicely.

"Just some water."

She came back with a glass of water a few minutes later. She put it down, we exchanged smiles, and she went back to work.

I looked around, seeing if I could spot the purple-haired girl. I saw Erza and Wendy looking really uncomfortable - no, more like flustered - at one table with Natsu and Gajeel. Natsu seemed really close with the other white-haired girl.

"So, what brings you to Fairy Tail, Erik?" I turned around. Mirajane was scrubbing a plate but paused briefly to smile at me. I smiled back.

"Well, Cu- Kinana asked me to come over. She said she wanted to tell me something in person. I also do too so.." I trailed off, looking down, a small smile playing on my lips.

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