Pt. 9

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[Switching POVs]

'So much is happening right now. Natsu's finally moved on from the heartbreak that demon ice mage put him through and now he's with Lisanna; they look like the happiest couple ever every time I see them. And... Erza has finally admitted to herself that she's feeling romantic attraction to someone who we still haven't figured out.' I smiled at the thought.

I felt something fall down my face. I touched my face delicately and felt something wet. 'I'm crying?' I sighed, looking down at the ground. I was on top of a mountain near Magnolia which gave a beautiful view of the city. Looking back up, I sighed again, leaning on the tree nearby. It was mid-day but the view was still incredible. I believed that if not for Crocus, Magnolia would definitely be the most beautiful city of Fiore. All the houses and buildings were lined up in an orderly fashion which allowed them to be rearranged in a raised form. This was mainly only used for whenever Gildarts came back but it was still pretty cool to me. As I've said before, joining Fairy Tail was the best decision I've ever made; from the people to the layout of the guild hall, everything's just amazing and unlike anything I've ever witnessed before.

As my mind wandered off of the scene before me back to my friends, I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart. 'They all look and are so happy, when will I ever find someone who'll make me like that?' I know I have bad luck with men, but I still hold onto hope. Is it stupid? Most definitely. But let a girl dream.

That reminds me, I haven't checked up with a lot of my friends for a while now. For starters, Loke. How's he doing with his whole love situation? Just to recap, I thought for a couple months now that Loke and I were dating. But apparently, I got the wrong idea and when he finally caught on, he crushed my heart and any remaining hopes of getting myself a decent boyfriend. He said he had feelings for someone else too; which is how I moved on so quickly. I may be desperate, but I'm not heartless!

I said to myself that I'd help the zodiacs' leader with his feelings but look where I am now. I haven't even talked to him ever since the breakup.

I dried off my tears and took in a deep breath. I reached down into my little bag on my waist where I kept all my keys. I looked for the right one.

Taking the zodiac key for Leo the Lion off, I let it sit in my hand for a little longer. I stared at the golden key laying in my hands for a few seconds. 'I hope he isn't mad at me...'

"Open, gate of the lion; Leo!"

When he first arrived, he looked down. But that look was gone within a matter of milliseconds. "Hi Lucy! Is there something you needed from me?" He cracked a smile but his eyes betrayed his expression.

"Did something happen?" I asked, genuinely concerned and curious.

The spirit's eyes widened before relaxing again. "I really thought I could fake this one. Guess you know me too well." He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. 

He turned around and sat down before opening his eyes and looking up at the sky. Worry still evident on my face, I joined him. 

The sky, so vast and open. It's endless and so mysterious as well. Do others from different planets and dimensions get the chance to look up and see the sky too? How different is it there than here? Are they different colours? There's so many unanswered questions about the seemingly simple view. However, at the same time, the sky can be an easy way to calm ourselves down too. Looking up into the simple canvas; just a blue colour, dotting every now and then with irregular polygons filled with the colour white or sometimes gray. And every now and then, there's a circular shape that is supposedly yellow that no one's able to see because it's light is so bright that it blinds us. Of course, all this changes depending on the time of day as well. But sometimes, just looking up at the surface is able to change our mood from something tense to relaxed and calm.

I almost forgot about what or who I just called out and everything that was happening before I heard a chuckle next to me.

"You haven't been this relaxed in a while huh?" Loke asked, more like a statement than a question. He was smiling and this time, it was real. 

"So, what's up?" I asked, turning my full attention to the leader of the zodiacs.

His expression changed into something you'd barely ever see from him.

"I'm having trouble figuring out how to deal with my feelings right now. I've just asked Aquarius if she had any advice and she said to just go out and say it. But it's not that easy." He lowered his gaze to stare at his hands. I could see that there were tears starting to form in the corners on his eyes.

"Could you tell me who it is or at least why it's so hard for you?" I asked, watching my tone. I was beyond confused. Is this really the same Loke I knew? The same one that just latched himself onto girls and flirted with whoever passed him like there was no tomorrow? I eternally gasped. Was it a guy?

The spirit lifted up his glasses slightly to push away the tears. "Well, you see, she's quite small and fragile. She's strong in magical power but not so much physically. And she's kinda an introvert because of our past. We've been friends for so long now and I really just hate to break that because of my stupid little feelings for her. You've probably already figured out who she is but...I don't know if you could help in any way.." He smiled sadly at me before turning back up to the sky. He let a few tears slip out of his eyes before quickly drying them off again.

And just as he said, I was able to figure out who it was. It wasn't a guy, like I believed, which confused me at first because I thought that was the only way he'd be feeling like this but now I know it was her, I understood a bit better.

Aries. She'd been scarred by Karen which is why she usually acts so afraid of making a mistake. There'd be no doubt that she would question herself over and over again if Loke ever told her how he felt. This was a hard case to solve but I said I would help Loke on this so there's no way I'm backing out.

"Um, if you don't mind now Lucy, I want to go back and ask some of the other spirits for help, like, maybe, I'm gonna head back now." I snapped out of my daze. I smiled and nodded.

'Aries is a very kind-hearted spirit. I see why Loke must've fallen for her. But I'm not sure if she's healed enough to accept love yet though. But Loke can't wait around forever...' I bumped into someone. 

"Oh, sorry about that..." I looked up to see Gray. My blood started to boil and my eyebrows furrowed. My face turned into a look of disgust and I had to turn away to seem polite.

Gray stuck out his hand. I slapped it away and got back up myself.

"Everything alright Lucy?" He looked at me with a confused expression.

That did it. "As a matter of fact, NO! EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT! You broke one of my best friend's heart! I was able to live through the pain of not every being able to get with a decent guy because of how happy he was. His happiness was the only thing that brought me happiness throughout that time. But then you came along and BROKE IT! And the reason you did it is stupid! How could you live with that guilt? damned c-cold DEMON!" I spat. I was furious. There were tears streaming down my face and my throat felt dry for screaming. I haven't been this mad in a really long time.

Gray's expression was priceless. His eyes were widened and he kept opening then closing his mouth, unable to find a comeback. He then looked down, the shadows of his bangs covering his eyes.

"What's going on here?" I looked up and met the eyes of the famous salamander; my best friend. 

Gray turned around and ran away. I turned back to Natsu and saw that his eyes were glistening.

"I'm sorry, I just had to interfere. I know the problem was yours to handle but I just had to come in and intervene. But, somebody needs to tell him that his reasoning was wrong. We can't tell someone how to live their life but we can tell them their mistakes. If they can't figure out what they'd done wrong, they'll never learn from it." I said quietly. It was the honest truth. Sure, somewhere in between, I let anger play into it as well but someone needed to drive that lesson home and there's no better way to do it then to scream it with all the emotion you can put into it.

"N-no, it's okay. You did what you thought was best, thanks Lucy." He dried up his tears and walked away.

And I was left there, feeling every possible emotion all at the same time.

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