Pt. 8

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"Are you sure about this Natsu?" Lisanna looked at me with a shocked expression with a hint of...hope?

Not only did Lisanna have widened eyes directed at me but everyone at the table did too. Lucy, Levy, Mira, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Happy...hell, even Lily was here too! Oh and I guess you're wondering about what happened to a certain S class mage.

[Switching POVs]

I headed back home. 'All this stuff about love and romantic hurts my head because I can't wrap my brain around it!' 

'I just don't get it. Let's recount. Lately I've been feeling different whenever I went on I was around a certain blue haired friend of mine. So, I decided to go and ask around to see if I could figure out what my dilemma was. I've just gotten back from asking my second client which just so happens to be Natsu. I decided it would be a good idea to ask him since he has experience since he's been in a relationship before. But unfortunately, I got nothing. My first client were the girls from Mermaid Heel. I went to visit them after finding out that Natsu had already took off on the mission he mentioned about yesterday. My first clients weren't much help either. Millianna just kept teasing me about having a crush on someone and none of the other girls had any experience with it. And I didn't even tell anyone who this person was yet.'

I slammed my fist onto the table. It's been however many days now and I still haven't been able to figure out anything. And I haven't visited the guild in a while, guess I should go tomorrow.

[Switching POVs]

And there you have it. Erza explained to us what had happened to her and why she was absent for the past few days so that's why everyone's got shocked faces at me and not her.

"You heard me right. I'm moving on. If Gray doesn't want to be with a guy, then he has every right to break up with me and get with someone he truly loves. So I have to do the same. Lisanna, we've been friends forever now and we even pretended to be married when we were younger so I think there shouldn't be this much confusion to my decision. Will you go out with me Lisanna?"

She started crying. Well, not full on sobbing or anything but tears were streaming down her face and by the way she looked, she didn't even know. I started to panic. Did I say something wrong? She could just reject me if she doesn't want it right!?

She wiped her tears away as she sniffled. "I'm sorry, it's just that...I've been in love with you ever since we were kids Natsu... This is a dream come true! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" She practically yelled. I felt a weight fall off my shoulder. My face beamed as she jumped into my arms. I held onto her like she was the only thing keeping me alive right now and ignored the thoughts of my inner self - they were probably just trying to put some kind of sadness in me anyway - as I let myself be engulfed by the waves of happiness.

I took a quick peek back at my brother. He was already looking at me with a smile full of brotherly love. My eyes glistened and I felt the same burning sensation in my eyes again. 'Look brother! I'm taking your advice! I moved on!' were the messages I tried to send to him through my water-filled eyes. My vision started to get blurry thanks to the tears so I blinked them away. When I opened my eyes once again, I saw Zeref giving me a thumbs up. My heart felt like it could overfill with joy. Little did I know, all that happiness was fake.

"So anyway, now that that's done, we need to help Erza get back on track to merriness!" Lis - which is what I'm calling my girlfriend now - basically shouted.

Everyone turned to look at Erza and you could see that she was starting to sweat. "Hey guys, I think I can figure it out on my own you know, but thanks anyways!" She took a bolt towards the door.

"Oh no, I can't be having one of my sweetest children be suffering from a case of denial! Let us all help you figure out what's going on alright?" Master Mavis blocked the exit Erza was running to. "Since there are so many of us, I'm sure you'll find someone who can explain what your problem is Erza!" She seemed much more exited about this than the rest of us.

Erza sighed and started to walk back to our table gloomily. "Get back to work! This is my problem and if I need your help I will be sure to ask you!" She snapped at the other guild members. 

Once she sat back down Lucy patted her back, not that she could feel it through that armour. Master Mavis walked over with Zeref and gramps following closely behind her.

She smiled sweetly at Erza. "Alright, who are we dealing with here?" Erza flinched. Guess she really didn't want anyone to know who it is. Master Mavis took notice of this and sighed. "Okay, let's start off easy, what do you feel around them?" The S class mage relaxed at this. She still looked uncomfortable but started talking nonetheless. She said things we already knew.

"I don't know exactly what it is I'm feeling but it's almost as if...what's the saying?...ah, there's like butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around him.." She said, confusion rising in her voice when talking about the foreign saying to her. She looked ashamed for some reason. Master Mavis hummed, pushing her to continue.

"It's like I can't even focus on what he's saying every now and then because whenever I look at him it's like all my other senses die down. I also feel the urge to touch him like feel his hair or hold his hand when I'm around him...everything's so weird and new to me..." She trailed off. Even I think I know what it is.

"My dear, you're feeling attracted towards this guy." Master Mavis put simply. I saw Lucy, Levy, Lisanna, and Happy visibly nod, agreeing with the tactician. 

I decided then would be a good time to analyze the group. Erza had her head down, I'm pretty sure her face was the colour of her hair. On her left was Lucy; she had a hand on the scarlet-haired mage's back. Next to Lucy was Levy. She was looking at Erza with a relieved face; probably because she now knew her armour-protected friend could rest a little easier now that she knew what she was feeling. On the bluenette's left was Lily, Happy, and Carla, sitting on the table. Sitting behind them was Mira and next to her was Lis. Then there was me, Zeref, and master Mavis, while gramps was on the table cheering for Erza. The table was pretty packed, to say the least. I was surrounded with my friends.

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