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"Lorraine!" A stern voice called from downstairs. The girl who had been silently reading her book looked up in fear.

"Ava Lorraine Carter! Get down here now!" She sulked down the stairs unable to prepare herself for anything she might've done to upset her foster mother.

"Yes?" Her voice was shaky and her eyes refused to meet the woman standing before her.

"Look at me girl." As if she was supposed to obey every command, she did what she was told. Reluctantly of course.

"We're going on a trip so we're going to send you to Finchley." The woman half smiled. Lorraine didn't believe she had a soft spot but in that single moment, she thought she saw a glimmer.


"Yes ma'am." Instantly her emotions changed and her eyes lit up.

For what was in Finchley, you may ask. Only her bestest friends in the entire world. A family she wished was her own. Their mother never let her forget how loved and amazing she was and the two girls she had become incredibly close with in the past five years after they met at some military event.

The dirty blonde hair of the small girl who adored her, with her cerulean eyes, looked like you were staring into the sky when you met them.

The raven haired boy with the chocolate eyes that held a forest inside. His smiles warmed her heart the most. It took a lot for him to open up to someone but with Lorraine it took no time.

The brown haired girl with the artic eyes, those eyes made you feel like you were in the snow with ice all around you. Those eyes belonged to her best friend, Susan Pevensie.

And finally the baby blue eyes with the blonde hair she grew to tolerate - meaning adore. Peter Pevensie was her first ever crush. Sure there were other boys in Sutton but she always turned them down.

"Go pack, we're leaving in about an hour." The woman said again with an emotionless voice snapping Lorraine from her thoughts.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

"Kids come in quickly!" Helen Pevensie called to the backyard. Her children came running in all sweaty and the biggest smiling faces you've ever seen. Peter was the first to get cups down from the cabinet and make water for him and Lucy. The youngest girl thanked her brother as she gulped the cool liquid down. Susan made hers as Edmund hugged his mother.

"All right everyone into the baths! We have a guest coming to spend a few weeks with us!" She said again as all her children's eyes lit up with excitement and interest.

"Who Mum?" Peter asked looking to Susan for a hint.

"Lorraine!" She replied with a smile watching her children smile and jump around with joy. "Her foster family is going on a trip and don't want to be responsible for her, so please make her feel welcome. You've never had issues with that before, but remember her father's deathiversary is coming up."

The siblings all rushed with smiles to their bathrooms and began to clean themselves up.

"I'm going to go pick her up from the train station. Everyone behave until I get back!" She yelled up the stairs.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

The ride was long and quiet, she found comfort in her own thoughts. She usually loved to imagine herself in a wooded area with lots of different animals.

'The air was soft on her face as she ran with her friends, wolves, squirrels and deer. She had no care in the world other than where they would stop for water.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now