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"They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." A griffon says after landing between Lorraine and Peter.

"Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius chimes.

"No. But I bet they help." Peter exclaims.

The Witch's army arrives, with way more numbers than Peters and three giants. The Witch rides up onto her own mound in a chariot pulled by Polar bears. She is wearing a chain mail dress, a gold headdress and fur?

'Aslan's mane' Peter thought to himself.

The two armies face each other. Peter looks at Edmund on the hill, and back to the girl beside him. They share a smile as she unsheathes her swords.

"Are you with me?" Peter turns to Oreius and Lorraine.
"To the death." They reply in unison.
"For Narnia!" Peter yells, Rhindon glowing with the sunlight.
"And for Aslan!" Lorraine yells as they storm into the army.

Lorraine flanks to the left taking down every enemy she sees before locking eyes with a Minotaur forgetting the witch has giants on her side as one knocked her off Scythe. "Go get out of here." She yelled to her noble steed. "But your grace." He stomped the ground, Lorraine sliced through the giants leg as she turned to him with a solemn expression, "Go." She said quietly and he ran off in the distance as she turns her focus back to the creature before her.

Peter fighting a Minotaur of his own sees Scythe running back to the rocks as he frantically searches for Lorraine. He finds her battling fiercely and wants nothing more than to run to her aid but the witch had other plans. He begins to look around at his army, seemingly in trouble. "Fall back! Draw them to the rocks." He yells as Lorraine looks up and begins running. Peter runs up beside her and extends a hand, "Thank you." She says hoisting herself up onto his back.

They just about made it before an arrow shoots into the unicorn causing Lorraine and Peter to fall off. Peter inches over to Lorraine and grabs her hand. The once helmeted boy now looked at her with sweat dripping from his golden hair his blue eyes looking deep into her ice ones.

"You've got to go." She said, "No, not without you, Lor." He replied as she kissed his cheek, "Please. I can't save Narnia if I'm worried about you. I will find you." He nods, "I will always find you." Then runs to the hill leaving Lorraine by herself. He watched the witch inch closer to her as she held out her ice blade. Peter was about to jump off the hill when he noticed Edmund disobeying his order. "Ed no! I've got it. Fall back. Please!" He yells to him but he doesn't pay any attention. She eyes the blade just as the witches second plunged into Lorraine's thigh making her let out a yell. Her voice ringing in his ears making his rage surge. He lets out a cry of his own as he lands on the ground distracting the witch as Edmund's sword smashes the ice in the witches hands.

Peter helps her off the ground as Lorraine gives the woman a smirk as she looks to Peter, forgetting the first rule of battle. 'Never take your eyes of the enemy' as the witch slices through her stomach then stabs her again, one of the witches minotour, drags the screaming Peter away from them until he is completely out of sight. Lorraine found Edmund hiding behind a rock as she smiled softly to him, then turned her gaze to the witches eyes knowing her time had come. She breathed in slightly and closed her eyes waiting for the next blow, but it never came. Instead she could hear the roar of a ferocious lion tearing apart the witch. She was safe, he was safe.

"Peter!" She hears Lucy and Susan. She can see them embrace as she falls to the ground. "Ed!" Peter yells calling for his brother. They all huddle around laughing and smiling, which brings a tear to Lorraine's eye.

"Where's Lorraine?" Lucy asks terrified of her brothers reaction. "Shit." Was all Peter was able to muster before running to the girl on the grass.

The O'Connor brothers had just arrived, and Jasper's face contained a fear no one imagined. He failed. He failed to protect her. His hand met his mouth as he stifled a cry while his brother placed a hand on his shoulder.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now