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Lorraine shifted as each blade of grass prickled her skin, she shifted again when she felt a hand on her stomach, tracing small shapes with their fingers. Peter must've noticed her shifts as he pulled her in closer to his chest, he moved his hand up to her face to plant a kiss on her dewy cheek.

"Goodmorning King."

"Goodmorning Savior."

The two stretched as they got up to begin their day, smiling at each other as a set of hooves on the ground caught their attention.

"Jaxon?" Lorraine asked as the brother made his way around a tree. Stopping inches from Peter's face, as he stood his ground. Jaxon slid off his horse and went straight for Peter.

"Hey. Woah. Jaxon think about this for a second. What are you feeling?" Lorraine pleaded but before she could two swords clung together, she panicked for a moment before she remembered, he would always come when she called.

"Jasper! Jasper help!" As not even a few seconds went by before another set of hooves came barreling through.

She waited for the Saviors savior to stop them as she could only hear Peter's grunts and the sound of metal clashing. For whatever reason the sound sent her into a frenzy, falling to the ground she lay shaking, crying and unable to breath.

"Lorraine!" Jasper yells as he pulls the two swordsman off one another.

Peter gasps and drops his sword once he sees her on the ground, being the first one there he sits behind her and lifts her head up to his chest. Rubbing in soft circles on her body, her breathing began to calm itself. "You're okay." He repeated again and again until she opened her eyes and sighed deeply.

"What the hell was that?" Jasper shouted to his brother, "You could've put her in danger."

"If anyone was going to put her in danger it was him." Jaxon hissed.

"Him?" The dark haired brother frowned, "You're the one that disturbed them, the one who came here angry. For what?"

"It's not right." Jaxon blurted.

Now intrigued in the conversation, Peter and Lorraine stood up, however Peter never pulled his arm away from her and his eyes never left Jaxons sword, ready for anything he might do next.

"You can't tell me you couldn't hear his thoughts." Jaxon growled.

"I could yet I also heard hers. It's the prophecy. You can't stop that no matter what you feel inside, brother."

"She will lose her virtue, if she chooses.. him."

'But I do choose him. A thousand times him. It will always be Peter above anyone else. Nothing could change that. Not a damn thing' She thought to herself.

"And that's not for you to decide!" Jasper yelled, turning back to the couple behind him. "Go back to the camp. Your family will be waking soon, I'll take care of this."

They nod and turn to walk quickly back to camp.

"And Savior?" Jasper yells.

"Mm?" She responds.

"I'm sorry."

She nods at his words and grabs Peter's hand. Once the two have made it back to camp the girls are looking up to the hill.

"Edmund!" Lucy finally realizes.

Peter grabs his sister from running to the lion, "Give them a minute Lu."

'She's so precious. It would be my dream to have a child like Lucy one day. Brave yet cautious. Young yet wise.' She looks up from her own thoughts to see Edmund and Aslan walking towards them.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now