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The children laugh and throw snowballs at each other while Lucy talks about the great times they'll have with Mr. Tumnus, "Loys and lots of lovely food, and we'll have lots and lots of"

She was silent. For the first time in forever Lucy was silent.

"Lots of what Lucy?" She says looking up from smiling at Peter to the little girl, her smile instantly faded. "Lucy!" She yells as the small girl runs to what she assumed was the fauns house. Once she was able to catch up to her, Lorraine shielded Lucy from whatever horrors this house contained.

Peter and Susan stepped in, as they looked around, stepping on broken glass and picture frames.

"Look." Susan said pointing to a note stuck to the tree with a knife.

Peter pulls the knife from the tree and reads the message aloud,

"The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen or Narnia, for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans.

Signed Mauarim. Captain of the Secret Police. Long Live the Oueen"

"Lucy, I'm so sorry." Lorraine says to the little girl crying in her arms once again.

Usually it was Peter she always ran to when something was wrong but ever since the professors house, Lucy has felt an emotional connection to Lorraine. Like something magical. The older girl felt it as well, the constant pulling in Lucy's direction, technically in all the directions but in Lucy's the most.

"Okay now we really should go back!" Susan pleaded.

"We have to help him!"

"He was arrested for just being with a human, I don't think there's much we can do."

"Don't you understand? I'M the human. She must've found out he helped me."

Lorraine turns to Peter asking for help, something she'll never do again because he completely let her down.

"Maybe we could call the police?" Peter said.

"These are the police." Susan corrected snatching the paper from her brother.

"Don't worry Lu. We'll think of something." Peter continued looking from Lorraine to Lucy. He did this twice before Edmund spoke up.

"Why? I mean he's a criminal, right? Why help him?" Edmund smirked at Lucy.

Lorraine was about to say something before a small noise came from outside. The five made their way outside to get a better look, 'Psst', it came from the tree. Lorraine cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Did that bird just 'Psst' to us?" Susan asked, any hope of this place becoming normal fading away. Their attention was brought to another noise as the middle siblings huddled around their brother. Lucy still stuck to Lorraine's leg, inched closer, causing them both to inch closer.

"Lorraine. What are you doing?" Peter said, she could almost hear a hint of fear or concern. For Lucy of course she thought, but she couldn't have been more wrong.

"Lor!" Peter yelled. This time she didn't know what happened. She was so focused on the rustling she didn't notice Susan pull Lucy away from her or Peter grab her waist. She looked at him with a smile and pointed, "It's a beaver." He laughed as he pushed her behind him, still unsure if it was safe and stuck his hand out for the animal.

"Well I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want." The beaver huffed. Causing Susan and Lucy to widen their eyes and Lorraine to let out a chuckle.

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