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The Narnian's looked to the four humans in disbelief. Their eyes especially trained on the young girl ahead of all the rest.

Lorraine could feel their stares as she walked through the camp and stopped at a massive red and gold tent. The siblings not far behind her, so she loved to stand next to the beavers once more.

Peter unsheathing his sword looked to the half man half horse, holding it high, he said, "We have come to see Aslan." The crowd fell to their knees, bowing out of respect for the Great King. Lorraine followed the beavers movements and got down on hers as well.

Soon the beautiful lion stepped out from behind the flap as Lorraine could hear Lucy gasp.

"Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve. Welcome Lorraine daughter of Sebastian and Sophia. And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fifth?"

'Sebastian and Sophia? Those must be my parents' Lorraine thought to herself sinking deeper and deeper into her own thoughts.

"That's why we're here, sir. We need your help." Peter confessed. Lorraine knew admitting defeat was hard for him.

"We had a little trouble along the way."

"Our brother's been captured bv the White Witch."

The crowd began an uproar. Lorraine looked around to all the animals making jabs at the young boy.

'I'll save you Edmund. I promise.'

"Then he has betrayed us all." The Centaur spoke.

"Peace Oreius." The lion bellowed, "Show them to their chambers. I have a matter I need to discuss. Peter once you're dressed meet me on this hill."

Lorraine couldn't take it any longer, she needed to find Edmund and bring him home safe. She slowly backed away from everyone else hoping not to catch anyone's attention. Aslan looked to her in sorrow, half know what she was doing, half worried for the outcome.

She was untrained in battle, but knew how to sneak her way around without making a noise. Until someone stopped her in her place.

"Where are you going?" Aslan asked with two humans next to him.

"I thought there were no other humans in Narnia?" She asked turning to what she assumed were brothers.

"These are different. They don't belong in the prophecy. They're shielded behind you, Savior."

"Aslan. I'm no Savior. I'm reckless and dangerous for people to get close to."

"Do you know what these men are for?"

She stares at them in confusion, "No?"

"They are there to save the Savior. While the Savior does everything in their power to make sure everyone else is safe, they will leave their flanks open for injury. These are the O'Connor brothers, Jasper and Jaxon."

She returned the smile from the other two, and shook Jaxon's hand, she turned to Jasper as he engulfed her in a hug. Jasper had chocolate brown hair with icy eyes while Jaxon had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Both of them were very tall and muscular, she could tell the tallest one was staring at her but she didn't quite care.

"Uh yeah, he's more of a hugger. We've waited for you for a long time, Savior."

"Please call me Lori." She replies smiling at the man who hugged her.

"Now child. I ask again. Where are you going?" Aslan repeated his question again.

"To save Edmund." She replied.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now