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Five years went by before they had any serious leads on Lorraine's whereabouts until a young man from Telmar said that a new family came into town from escaping their homeland.

"Are we sure it's her?" Peter snarked rubbing his now stubbled face, "Like we're actually sure this time? Cause I'm tired of going all these places getting my hopes up and it not being her."

"Then don't get your hopes up Pete. We have no idea who took her or where they went. So we're gonna chase every lead we can. We're going to Telmar." Edmund responded.

So the Kings, Scythe, and the O'Connors began their trek to Telmar. Once they reached the land they were greeted with kindness, kindness Peter didn't want. He turned back around to go into the cabin of the ship.

"King Edmund! Thank you for coming, I got another good look at the girl and I'm positive she matches the description you gave me of your Queen." The young man exclaims. "Can you take us to her?" Scythe asks. The man urges them to follow but to be silent.

"I was wondering why a girl in Narnian clothing was here in Telmar. Then once I heard the news of your Savior being captured I instantly put two and two together. I talked to her once and the only name she gave me was, Pevensie." The man said again. Edmund perked up, "That's my last name. I'm Edmund Pevensie, she's my brothers fiancé." The man started to rush, "Well then Mr. Pevensie I think she's waited long enough, but allow me to go first and distract them." Edmund nods as the man takes his place at the door and knocks. "Hello sir, may I come in?" He says. Once inside he knocks out the man left to guard Lorraine.

Edmund frantically searches around for her as Jaxon clears the rest of the room. "I can't find her." He says looking back at the King. Lorraine recognizes the voice and kicks over a small nightstand in the room. It catches Ed's attention and he begins to slowly creep to where he heard the noise, opening the door he sees his friend tied to a chair.

Once the girl is untied he brings her into his arms, "Jesus Lorraine. You're shaking." Her clothes were all ripped and tattered, Edmund carries her to Scythe and climbs on behind. The men give thanks to the kind Telmarine who helped them. "Take us to the boat, they've been waiting long enough." Jaxon follows on his own horse. They reach the shore, as Jasper looks on, "Your majesty." He says pointing for Peter to look.

"Oh my god." He yells jumping out of the boat, "Lorraine. Oh god, what happened?" Edmund quickly helped her off Scythe's back and into Peter's arms. "They tortured me." She cling to his body still holding on to Edmund's hand fearing if she lets go of either one something bad will happen, "I'll kill every last one of them. I swear to you."

He says grabbing his sword and handing her back to his brother he tries to walk away, "No. Don't leave me, please don't leave me." He turns back to her in fear, the girl that used to be so strong, cowering next to them. He takes a few steps closer as she stiffens once again. "Never. Let's go home darling." He says pulling her closer.

The boat ride was a long one as Lorraine, Peter and Edmund sat huddled together. "Oh my god Lorraine. What did they do to you." The youngest says placing his hand on her cheek, rubbing her face with his thumb.

The other brothers looked at them with sorrow. Jaxon placed a hand over his mouth, 'Maybe they are meant for each other.'

"She told me about a prophecy. Another one. How the kings and queens would someday return to their homeland and leave me behind. She told me that one day, the Telmarine's would invade Narnia and destroy everything I hold dear to my heart. She also told me that unless I killed you, Peter, I would suffer. So I suffered." She said lifting up her sleeves to reveal deep cuts and slashes healed since then reopened.

Peter shifted in his seat at the sight of the brutal beatings she took for him and pulled the two closer, "We will not let that happen. And if one day, Aslan forbid, we do leave, you will always have Jasper, Jaxon and Scythe by your side keeping you safe until we return." At the mention of the man's name, he walked over and knelt infront of her. Placing a hand on her knee and looking to Peter for permission, "You will never be completely alone, the four." He is cut off by the horses angry scoff, "Five. The five of us will never leave you unprotected." He holds up a sliver bracelet and places it around her wrist. "For now I am always with you, Savior." He said with a smile, standing up and resting a kiss to her forehead. Receiving a smile from Edmund and a nod from Peter he walks back to the ships wheel.

Once home, Susan and Lucy meet them at the docks. Lucy's excitement too much for Lorraine causes her to step back as Jasper and Jaxon hold their Queens back.

Peter starts to undress her carefully and tries to help her into the tub. Edmund sees his struggle with her weak body and helps him, trying not to look. "Thank you Ed." She says weakly and soft. "Always, sister." He replies making her smile at the last word. He makes his way out of the room, looking back "You gonna be alright in here Pete?" He asks. Peter replies with a nod as he runs the water over her legs.

"Well this wasn't the way I wanted to see your body for the first time, but let me tell you my darling. You're beautiful." He says rubbing a cloth gently on her shoulders. Lorraine rests her head on the hand he had on the tub for support. She felt calm just sitting there with him, like it was only him and her in the world. She felt safe again, like the first time she visited them after her mother died, well now I guess fake mother. Peter and Lucy brought the light back into her eyes and never let her forget how amazing she was. She smiled at the memories they had created together, in Finchley, the professors house and Narnia. By this time Lorraine had fallen asleep thinking of those times so Peter decided not to wake her. He dressed her wounds and placed her in one of his shirts. He laid her in the bed and left the room to find Jasper, a few minutes later Jaxon comes to sit with her while Peter went to talk to Susan and Lucy.

"I'm sorry. I should've protected you. I failed you. I won't let anything happen to you ever again." He says holding her hand while she slept.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

Peter and Edmund run off to find their sisters in the library. Peter looks to Susan as he crumbles in her arms, "Susan she was hurt pretty badly. They tortured her and starved her. If we hadn't gotten there when we did, she would be dead. I want to speed the wedding up. Are we close?" He asks. Susan smiles, "We're all ready. We just need the bride and groom. We can do it the minute she's able to walk." Susan whispers.

Peter pats Susan's hand as he sits there in her arms for what seemed like an eternity. Finally the girls said they were tired and wanted to sleep so Peter walked them to their rooms and made his way to his own. Walking through the door he sees Jaxon asleep on the chair with her hand in his, he smiles knowing that everyone in Narnia has her back. He climbs into bed next to her and strokes her hair before falling asleep.

Everything was finally back to normal.

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