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Loud booms and pops could be heard outside her window as Lorraine shot out of bed and quickly got dressed to run downstairs. She made it to the door before she realized she couldn't leave without the bear, turning back to grab it she heard her door swing open.

"Come on!" Susan's terrified voice rang. The girls quickly locked hands as they made their way to Lucy's room.

"Come with us Lu, it's alright." She cooed in a motherly tone.

They made it to the door as Helen and Peter opened the bomb shelter. Once inside they all looked around, "Where's Edmund?" Helen squealed.

"I'll get him."

"Peter no!" She screamed but was too late or Peter was just that stubborn.

Lorraine fell back to the wall and covered her face as she slid down to the ground. She felt soft hands on hers, Susan, trying to console her. These happened to her a lot. She had severe PTSD from her foster father beating her senseless. She began to uncover her eyes while never looking away from the girls icicle eyes, the eyes that were attached to the girl softly cooing next to her trying to aid her.

"Peter!" Susan yelled breaking her focus as the older boy shoved his brother inside.

"Why can't you think of anyone but yourself? You're so selfish! You could have got us killed!" Peter yelled.

All eyes on Edmund, including Lorraine's as Helen snapped at Peter, "Stop it!"

"It's OK. Shh." She continued to console her youngest son.

"Why can't you just do as you're told?" He says slamming the shelter door, turning his attention to the girls.

"I think she's having another attack, Peter." Susan whispers. He nods and takes her hands from his sister as she joins Lucy in the bed.

"It's alright." He says smiling noticing her clutching the brown bear as if her life had depended on it. He sat behind her rubbing small circles into her arms, Peter was the only one out of the four that could console her when she had an attack like this. It wasn't romantic- or so she had thought- just more of a kind gesture, a safe haven.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

The group of six walked around the train station preparing to say goodbye. The loud annocement made Lorraine inch closer to Peter and Susan, "Children and evacuation staff, Attention, would all parents ensure that their children have the appropriate identification papers." It boomed repeatedly, she felt if she heard it one more time her head would explode.

"If Dad were here, he wouldn't make us go." Edmund scoffed.

"If Dad were here, it'd mean the war was over and we wouldn't have to go." Peter retorted, his sudden authority making Lorraine smirk.

"You will listen to your brother, won't you Edmund?" Helen pleaded bringing the small boy into an embrace. Before turning to Peter, "Promise me you'll look after the others. All of them." She pointed to the dark haired girl beside Susan.

"I will, Mum." He said as a tear escaped his eyes.
"Good man." She replied wiping them away with her thumb.

The children walked onto the train finding a window to say goodbye. Helen managed to make her way to the front to catch another glimpse of her children, all five.

Once the train began to move, the group found an open train cart. Lucy, Susan and Edmund sat on one side as Peter patted the spot next to him. Lorraine wasted no hesitation to do what he asked, she smiled as she sat down thinking to herself, 'Perhaps he and I will get some time to ourselves while we're away.'

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now