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"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!" The ugly little dwarf in front of the ogre carrying the pale woman, "Empress of the Lone Islands!"

'Ha! Some Witch she was if a prophecy foretold her death would come at the hands of CHILDREN. How powerful could she really be if two boys and three girls could defeat her forever?'

The Narnian's erupted with anger shouting slurs and profanities at the woman. Edmund nudged Lorraine in his attempt to get behind his brother.

"You have a traitor amongst your midst, Aslan." She spoke, you would think the voice that came from her was soft, if you did not know of the things she has done. Lorraine quickly stood in her gaze, blocking Edmund from her sights.

"His offense was not against you." Aslan bellowed.

Jadis chuckled, "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built."

Aslan roared loudly causing Lorraine to inch closer to the Witch, when in turn made the O'Connors move towards the Savior. "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. The Great King, Queen and myself were there when it was written."

The Witch continued her laugh, "Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property. As is hers."

'Oh hell no.' Lorraine thought unsheathing her swords without thinking. "Try and take him then." Peter yells his sword drawn while the Minotaur, Otmin, steps closer to Peter. The Savior magic, causing Lorraine to step forward, matching his attitude.

"Do you think that mere force will deny me my right, little King? And you Savior, what will be left for you to save once I kill your friends and slit Peter's throat in front of you? Like I did to your father and mother." She smirks at the girl and begins again, "That boy will die on the Stone Table, as is tradition. You dare not refuse me."

"Enough. I will speak to you alone." Aslan says turning to Jasper and moving his sights to Lorraine. As she prepares to step forward a quiet ring comes from her mind as her eyes meet Jaspers and he shakes his head. Jadis follows Aslan into his tent and the white clashes with the red and gold.

After a while, Lorraine couldn't sit still any longer. Her rage was bottling up inside, out of fear of herself she walked off towards the river. A place that was once a spot of death to a spot that she and Peter shared a moment.

A moment of peace.

Peter looked to Jasper as a request for his permission to follow the girl, Jasper knowing that only Peter had the will and love to calm her, he agreed. He watched him run after her as his brother began to step back, "Leave it, Jax." All he received was a huff.

Lorraine had found her way to the same spot, from last night, dipping her toes into the cool water.

'My parents? They were Narnian? Great King and Queen? I'm royalty?' This was all too much to bear for Lorraine as she collapsed onto the grass with her hand in the water. She allowed the sun to glow on her face paying no attention to the footsteps behind her.

"You should be with Edmund."

"I left him with Jasper." The concerned voice replies, "What's going on with you?"

"I'm afraid." She now turns to him with tears flowing down her face. Peter's eyes turn sad as he sits next to her, "Of what?" She sighs as she smiles, "Myself. What if I don't have the power or the strength to save Edmund? Or Lucy and Susan? Or you?" She takes his face in her hands, "What about my parents? When we arrived Aslan called me daughter of Sebastian and Sophia. The witch said she killed them. If something happened to you that I could've prevented, I would never forgive myself. Peter I would just want to die."

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now