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"Wake up Lor, come on." Peter says shaking her gently awake, she turns to Lucy who is still fast asleep, then back to Peter as he helps her up and brushes the snow off her clothes.

"Thank you." She says, with her morning voice, "Need help Sue?"

"No thanks. Got it."

'Weird. Susan acting weird today. Could I have done something, to piss her off? Said something? Not done or said something.'

"You alright?" Mr. Beaver asks her as she snaps out of her thoughts, all she does is smile and goes back to thinking.

'I wonder what I did.'

Peter noticed her discontent and motions for her to follow, "Are you okay?" She shrugs and replies softly, "Is Susan mad at me?" She pointed to the girl with her head as she woke Lucy up.

"She's upset with you because when we met the Beavers and didn't know they were nice, you kind of disregarded Lucy's safety. But that's just how she feels, I knew you'd protect her if it came down to it. I don't know, ever since we've come to Narnia she's been weird. Maybe it's Edmund?"

Their conversation was cut short by the brunette in question. She looked angry, but not angry at Lorraine, angry at Peter. She rose her finger up to his chest and Lorraine could somehow feel her rage, "Could you maybe focus for ten minutes so we can get our brother back? Like I realize you like this girl but damn, can you put blood before getting laid?" Every word was like a stab through her heart.

Peter turned to her watching her sadness, anxiety and fear rising to the surface.

"Hey! We don't have time to lollygag around. We need to get to the river. Aslan's camp is just behind it." Mr. Beaver spoke.

"River?" Lorraine asked, her voice breaking from trying to hold back her tears.

Mrs. Beaver mistook the girls sadness for fear, "Oh. the river's been frozen solid for a hundred years, darling. It'll be alright."

"It's so far." Peter whined.

"It's the world, dear. Did you expect it to be small?"

"Smaller." Susan adding in her daily sarcastic jab.

Lorraine had enough, she walked next to the Beavers to the river thinking of how she would tell Peter.

She had decided to leave them, after all she's not a part of the Royal Prophecy. She's just a Savior. Whatever the hell that was. They didn't need her, she assumed it was only the world and it's creatures that did. She was fine to help them, maybe she could convince the Great King to let her stay forever.

"Oh no! Behind you it's her!" Mrs. Beaver yelled breaking Lorraine's thoughts once again. She quickly turned to Lucy, her feeling of protection strong in this moment. As Susan rushed past her she lifted Lucy onto her back and ran. Boy did she run, faster than all of them. She had to turn around when Mr. Beaver told them to get into the cave.

Once they were all inside she shoved herself as into the rock as she could get, while pushing Lucy into Peter.

"Maybe she's gone." The soft whisper came.

"I guess I'll go check." Peter said, causing Lorraine's fear to highten. Placing a hand on his she looked to Mr. Beaver and he nodded his head.

"You're no good to Narnia dead."

"Neither are you Beaver." He kissed her paw as her scurried up. A few moments went by and they had all feared the worst. That is until his little brown head popped back down causing Lucy to scream.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now