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"Ninety-eight, ninety - nine, one hundred. Ready or not, here I come!" Peter's voice flowed through the halls. Lorraine taking every vibration, ever sound wave from it before Lucy's voice mixed it's way in.

"It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!" She screamed.

That was intriguing enough for Lorraine to climb out of her bed, where she was happy to stay while reading. She made her way to the rest of the kids and half listened half toned out on their conversation. Bits and pieces making their way into her brain.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." From one.

More silence.

"But I wasn't imagining!" From the smallest.


"Shut up! You think you're Dad. but you're not!" Edmund yells snapping her to the conversation. The rest of their Pevensie siblings go after their brother leaving Peter there. Once he begins to shake, as if he was crying, Lorraine walks over and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey." She coos.

He jumps back a bit before sniffling and straightening himself up.

"Sorry." He says, before turning around. Lorraine was too quick for him and closed the door.

"Peter. We've known each other since we were ten. I've seen you cry plenty of times. You don't have to act so strong around me. What's going on?" She turned his head so they were staring at each other, her sapphire eyes digging deep into his.

"It's just ever since Dad left, I've had to pick up the pieces. Helping Susan with homework, parenting Edmund, and consoling Lucy. I just find this all very, very stressful. You're here now which makes it somewhat better." He adds sarcasm to the last two words making Lorraine giggle.

"Well maybe I'll just stay in my room and never come out." She returned with a sarcastic smile. "I'm always here for you Peter. Try focusing on yourself and Edmund while I handle Lucy and Susan. We can be a team, you're not the oldest anymore." She began again.

He smiled at her gratefully as he took her hands in his, "You do know that you're only a month older than me, right?" The two share a laugh before finding the rest of the children.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

The professors house is silent as night was upon them. Everyone was sleeping or rather supposed to be but two little children ventured into a different space.

"Peter, Peter, wake up! Peter. Wake up! It's there! It's really there!"

"Shh. Lucy, what are talking about?"

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!"

By the time Lorraine had gotten out of bed she met Susan at the door who rolled her eyes, sleepily.

"You've just been dreaming, Lucy." The older sister tried to reason.

"But I haven't! I saw Mr. Tumnus again! And this time Edmund went too." The three oldest turned to the boy in question.

"You did what?" Lorraine asked, forgetting her place but she didn't really care. She meant what she said about looking after Lucy. Anything she could do to take a weight off of Peter.

"I was just playing along. I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days. They iust don't know when to stop pretending." His smug smirk sent a little rage through Lorraine as she looked to the little girl who began to cry. Before she could reach out her hand, the girl was running away.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now