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10 days later

"Your grace! Good to see you back on your feet." The blue eyed brother says looking at the eldest girl walking up beside him. "Thank you Jax. But may I ask you a question?" He nods in response.

"What toll did finding me take on Peter?" He sighed, "He loves you. I've only seen a love like that once in my life. Your parents actually, whenever they would get separated, they would always say 'I will always find you'. When you feel that way about someone you will go through any pain for them. He wanted to find you." She nods and pats his hand as she makes her way to her room.

She hadn't actually seen how perfect it was until now. Her drapes and bedsheets were green and gold. Her beautiful floor length mirror was gold to match. She had an elegant desk, with drawers lined with flowers. She was so invested in the beauty of it all she didn't even see Susan and Lucy sitting in the corner.


"Jeez it's about time. We have to get you ready."
She looked at the sisters confused, "Ready for?"
Susan smiled at her and the words that came out of her mouth made her freeze. "Your wedding silly. Peter's been waiting for this moment."
Lorraine nods as she takes a seat in her chair allowing the girls to do whatever they wanted.

Her dress was beautiful, royal red, with silver and pearlescent accents. Her hair was half up half down with two twists along the back of her head. "There. Now we're just waiting for Edmund." Like clockwork a knock came at the door, "Hey, is she ready?" He walked in and stopped dead in his walk. "Gosh Lorraine, you're beautiful. Peter sure is lucky." He says holding up the necklace Peter had given her, clasping it around her neck, she blushes as he holds his arm for her to hold as the girls walk in front. They wore matching silver dresses with red accents, Edmund wore a silver tunic with gold embroidery.

They reach the doors to the great hall as Lorraine takes in a deep breath. Edmund pats her arm letting her know she's not alone. "Don't let me fall, Ed." He chuckles under his breath, "Never again." He replies as the doors open and she sees Peter. They begin to walk as a chorus sings the most beautiful Narnian song. She smiled at Jasper who took his place at the altar. They finally made it to the stairs as Edmund placed a kiss on her cheek and gave her hand to Peter.

"Thank you for joining us. Narnian's today we have come together to celebrate two souls deep in love. Peter Pevensie and Lorraine Carter."

Lorraine's head shot up instantly at the sound of her foster last name, "Actually Aslan, Jones is a better fitting last name now."

He nods and continues speaking, "Peter Pevensie and Lorraine Jones. I believe the two have their own vows they would like to say. But I'll allow Lorraine to go first."

She took in a deep breath as she stared into the ocean of color in his eyes.

"Peter. There's more to life than living for the next fight. Life is made up of moments. Good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth living. In every land, and every time I will always find you. So from now until forever. I am yours My King."

She smiles looking up at Peter with tears in his eyes. "It's going to be hard to top that." He says with a sniffle.

"My fairest Lorraine, It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to, and who will accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. And now, I feel like I can finally begin. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever." He says looking down at her.

"It's such a wonderful sight to see two souls being tied. Do you Peter Pevensie, take Lorraine Jones to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now