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"Todays the day!" Lorraine exclaims getting Lucy and Susan ready for the coronation. Lorraine already in her gorgeous black fabric and ivory patterned dress, decided to help pull the little girls arms through her sleeves.

"Can I help in anyway?" A small voice comes from the door. A older girl, probably a little older than Lorraine stood in the room. Lorraine glanced at her and could tell something was off but left it alone.

"I think we got it but thank you Ophelia." Lorraine said with a smile as the girl walks off.

Lucy wore an almost silver baby blue dress with silver accents and burnt orange cloak. Her hair was waved and parted off to the side. Lorraine worked on Susan's hair and managed to put it up in a beautiful twist. "You look so beautiful." She smiles to the sisters. "As do you." A voice came from behind the girls, Peter wore a navy blue tunic with gold accents, and baby blue undershirt. His pants were gold and his boots were navy. "I think everyone looks lovely." Edmund said in his all silver outfit.

"Is everyone ready?" Mr. Tumnus said from the door. The group nods and makes their way to the ballroom. The four Pevensie's and Aslan walk up the aisle where all the Centaur are stood to attention. They pause looking at their thrones which each have a signiticant carving on it. Edmund's had a sword breaking the witches blade, Susan's horn, Lucy's cordial, and Peter's sword hilt. They make their way to their appropriate thrones and stand facing the Narnian's before them. Lorraine smiled at the four before taking her place between the O'Connors.

"You look beautiful." Jasper says with a smile.

"As do you, Jas." She replies softly.

"To the glistening Eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant." Mr. Tumnus approaches in a nice green scarf and the Beavers bear the crowns for Mr. Tumnus to place on each of them. "To the great western wood, King Edmund the Just. To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle. To the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent. Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen." He turns to Lorraine and motions her to step forward. She walks to him and stands in front of Peter, facing the crowd. "I give you Lorraine Jones, The Savior. Daughter of King Sebastian, the Righteous and Queen Sophia, the Dauntless. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down trom the heavens."

Aslan turns to the people and begins to chant for the royals, "Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy! Long Live Savior Lorraine!"

The children look towards one another as they sit on their thrones, smiling at their subjects. Peter's gaze stops at Lorraine as he smiles softly.

Once the party begins Peter's gold cloak can be seen sliding around the dance floor with Ophelia hooked to him.

'Calm down Lori. It's just a dance. Plus Peter isn't technically yours anyways.' She thinks to herself as she walks out onto the balcony. "The moon is almost as beautiful as you my dear." She turns to see the most handsome being she's ever known. "Now King Peter you might be a tad biased." She says as she runs to him and he spins her around. "I might be. So what plans have you tonight?" She turns and smiles at him, "I was thinking of going to the beach, care to join me?" He nodded, "Meet in the garden in five minutes?" And they both ran to their rooms to change out of their fancy clothes.

Lorraine rushes out to catch Peter before he leaves but bumps into another and falls backwards. Before she's about to hit the floor two strong hands grab her arms, "Lorraine you have to watch where you're going. Are you okay?" The blue eyed brunette laughs. "I'm sorry Jaxon. I was trying to catch Peter before he left."
He smiles, "He's already in the garden. May I escort you?" She nods politely and takes his arm.

Salvation - A Narnia Story - Peter Pevensie - | 1 |Where stories live. Discover now