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10 years later

"Happy Birthday my queen!" Jasper and his brother came from the garden with flowers. "I believe King Peter has planned a special evening for you and him. I was instructed to take you to Queen Susan and she would get you ready." Lorraine looked at the man, with a smile on her face. "Jaxon, I need to tell you something." He stood there confused. "What?" She giggled softly, "I'm pregnant." His eyes immediately lit up with happiness, "That is wonderful, Lori! Does Peter know?" She shook her head, "Not yet. I was waiting for the right time."

The two make their way to Susan's room for her to get changed into a lovely baby blue gown, silver accents and shoes. "Peter will absolutely love this color on you, my dear." Lucy says with a smile. Lucy wore a beautiful pink floor length gown with silver shoes, while Susan wore her signature purple and silver. "Hello ladies. Happy Birthday Lorraine and Susan!" Edmund says with a smile, "I got you a present!" He said pulling out a small, moon shaped ring, "Oh Ed! It's beautiful!" She cried, "Do you mind?" She asked as she held her hand out. "Now. I think we've kept brother waiting long enough, don't you?" He said holding out his arms to his sisters as Jaxon came from the door way and extended his to Lorraine. "I hope you and Peter made up because we both remember what happened the last time he saw us like this." Lorraine chuckled.

The festivities began with beautiful songs and dances from each one of her subjects. Peter watched on as the girl he loved danced and sang with everyone she held dear. "Pete, take a picture it will last longer." Susan says from behind. "She's beautiful." He replied with a smile. He walked towards her with a hand held out, "Care to dance, M'lady?" He said with a chuckle. She took his hand and they glided across the floor, swiftly and gracefully. "I love you so much. You know that?" "I know Peter."

Soon the ballroom was empty once again and everyone retreated to their quarters. Lorraine and Peter quickly fell asleep after their long night of dancing together.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

"I want a daughter." Peter confessed while laying in bed the next morning, " I want her name to be Rosalie. She will rule as High Queen after us." Lorraine smiles, "Pete, I need to tell you something." He sits up in the bed and turns to her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "What's up baby?"

"Well I've known about it for a couple of days now and I-" Suddenly the door bursts open to Edmund out of breath. "Ed?" Lorraine asks worried, "We found it. The white stag, here in our wood." Peter smiles at Lorraine and Edmund as they put on their riding clothes. "Race you to the stables." Edmund yells, Lorraine about to follow before Peter stops her, "What did you need to tell me?" She smiled and kissed his cheek, "It can wait, let's go." She said running off down the hall, Peter on her trail.

The five adult Pevensies and the O'Connors are riding horses through the woods, chasing after the White Stag.

The air is crisp and the leaves are a beautiful mix of orange and brown.

"Catch me if you can, Pete!" Lorraine chirps from up front. Scythe like the wind in the trees, Peter is close behind as Lucy and Susan follow.

"Easy Lorraine!" Jaxon yells.

Edmund slows down and the others gallop off, after losing sight of them he notices the heavy breathing of his horse.

"Are you all right. Philip?"

"I'm not as young as I once was, my king."

Edmund slides off the saddle as he runs his hand across Philip's muzzle. Edmund turns to the sounds of hooves slamming into the ground, "Come on, Ed." Susan says.

Lucy giggles, "What did he say again, Susan?"

"You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself."

Peter and Lorraine are the last to join and take part in the giggling happiness before she gets off Scythe and walks to a familiar lamp post.

"What's this?" Peter says as he dismounts from his horse.

"Spare Oom." Lucy says as she runs off in a clear path.

"Lucy." Lorraine sighs as she runs off after her.

"Not again." Susan grunts as she follows the girls.

"These aren't branches."

"Ow! Ooh!"

"They're coats."

"Susan, you're on my foot!"

"Peter, wait, stop!"


"Peter stop! I'm pregnant!"

The four Pevensie's make their way back through the wardrobe as they all fall out one by one. Peter looks up from the floor as he realizes his siblings are here, yet his wife is not. "Lorraine!" Peter yells trying to get back into the wardrobe. "No no no no. No!" He slams his fists on the door. "What did she say before we came back in?"

"She is pregnant, Pete." Edmund sighs covering his mouth as Peter continues slamming the wardrobe and opening it to see if he could get through again.

"I don't think you'll get back in that way. You see... I've already tried." He turns to look back at the professor.

"Will we ever go back?" He asks, starting to cry.

"Oh. I expect so. But it'll probably happen when you're not looking for it. Though for now, your mother has sent for you, it is time to return."

Peter turns to the wardrobe as if to say goodbye.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

"Peter? Susan? Ed! Lucy!" Lorraine screamed. "Why did you leave me?" She cried as Scythe ran up behind. She sadly climbed onto her horse as she took back everyone's belongings, "Lorraine?" The voice came from her first hand, whom she forgot was there. "Come on Philip." The two horses and the Savior's make their way back to the castle, as Jasper dismounts from his horse he looks to the queen, worried they watch her slow footsteps with Rhindon in hand. "Jaxon. The Kings and Queens have left us, please take their belongings and mine to the vault. I shall keep my Father's and King Peter's swords." The man nods to her as she closes the door to their once shared room. This is where she sat for the next few hundred years, alone.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

ᨒ 1200 years later ᨒ
"Come on my queen, we must go. Grab what you need and make haste! Please!" Jaxon cried to the Queen as rocks began slamming into Cair Paravel. She grabbed one of Peter's shirts, his and her fathers swords and her wedding ring as she bolted out the door. Once on the grass Scythe quickly ran up beside her as she jumped on. "Lorraine!" Jasper yelled from the forest. They ran for a long time to get away from the Telmarines, "We will never make it to safety Old Friends." Lorraine yells to her noble companions. They share an embrace and she turns to Jasper, "I will always find you." After they were safely out of harms way, Lorraine turned to a few Telmarines, Rhindon drawn and ready to fight her way to peace.

"Well come on then, I don't have all day." She said plunging the blade through a handful of soldiers. Forcing herself to take a look at her old home and retreated into the woods, as catapults and armored men destroyed Cair Paravel.

They'll come back. They have to.



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