「 ✦ 𝗕𝗮𝗯𝘆𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗮 ✦ 」

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   It had been 2 months since you first began talking to Miles, and he made great company. He didn't pester you about anything regarding what it's like to be you, he stayed in his lane and had an amazing sense of humor. Shit, he was like a more chill and laid-back you! After a while, he began to hang out with you and Angel up until it was time for her to go back home to Chicago. You were actually on your way to go see her, Supposedly on your way to Miles's house before he texted your phone.

➹ 'csntbe rhte re rite nkw. Js mert mme atmtypladce afterwssdrd'

   I laughed at the text. Miles had a habit of texting in jumbles at random moments. I never really paid it any mind and chalked it up to him being tired, because lord knows what devious texts I draft up when I'm half asleep. So instead of walking in the usual direction to Miles's apartment, I take a slight detour to the left with my head down, nose buried in my phone. I stepped out of the house wearing a really cute outfit I had planned before, as Miles and I were going to be running the streets later tonight. Doing what exactly? I have no idea. Neither of us knew, but we wanted to 'do our own thing' and chill. Anyway, I wore a baggy graphic tee with my white and black socks, in combination with my black biker shorts paired with my Chicago red high-top Jordans. Even though I knew where the hell I was, I wrapped my hair with a red bandana to complete the look.

 Even though I knew where the hell I was, I wrapped my hair with a red bandana to complete the look

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   I arrived at Angel's hotel room before erupting into tears. "I'LL FUCKIN MISS YOU!" I wail into Angel's arms after practically kicking down her door. "WHY CAN'T YOU STAY JUST ONE MORE DAY PLEASE!" I shout, surely Loud enough to receive a noise complaint from the room next to us.

  "I KNOW!" She wails in response, clinging onto me as if I'll disappear at any given moment, which was partially true. "BUY MY MOMMA TOLD ME IF I DON'T COME HOME SOON SHE GON' FILE A MISSING REPORT ON MY ASS!" She confesses before baby bawling under my firm grasp. We continue crying in each other's hold, embracing each other as if it would be the last time we ever would cross paths.

   Shortly after crying for what felt like two hours, one of my agents came up and gently removed a crying Angel from my hands as I wailed loudly, groaning and wiping my tear-stained face. I wave somberly to Angel, as I take deep shaky breaths to attempt to collect myself. I fix my lashes in the hotel mirror and make sure to wipe every clue that alluded to the fact that I had just nearly screamed my soul out. I made my way out of the hotel slowly, scrolling through my feed and ignoring the few paparazzi flashing their cameras and surveying me distinctively. I wanted to avoid any allegations of being rude to the press, but also had places to be. I got back in my car and began to text Miles, letting him know that I'd be there in roughly twenty minutes.

➹ 'Omw to ya crib Bambi get yo ass up'

➹ 'inaminit'

   I laugh at his attempts at texting before putting my car in reverse and exiting the parking lot. It was boring being in the car alone with nobody to talk my ear off, so I turned on some music. I throw my playlist on shuffle and jam to 'She' by Tyler the Creator and Frank Ocean. "BlINDs WiDe OpEn So hE cAn SeE yOu In ThE-" I shout out in between sniffles and small cries, still adjusting to the fact that I won't see my best friend until I find time in my schedule to visit her in Chicago. I made a mental note to call her as soon as she landed, which I was sure would be just a couple of hours later. As I drove down the road a couple of blocks away from Miles's house, I saw that same Spider-Man from the day prior swing across the sky before disappearing seemingly into thin air, thinking "damn, that nigga gets around quickly."

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