「 ♥︎ 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺-𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 ♥︎ 」

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Random Disclaimer!!

Hey. This chapter is more suggestive than most, and will primarily shine a light on Miles being a teenager rather than Spider-Man. My stories with Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, or any minor characters will NEVER include smut, but they will more likely than not contain suggestive jokes or themes. I know that that's aprntly controversial for some people, so just take this as a warning or a stop sign for any future chapters. I'll repeat this once more, just so there's no mix-ups. 


You woke up later at 4 AM, groaning loudly as you checked the time on your phone. Filming always had a habit of ruining your sleep schedule, making it near-damn impossible for you to think or breathe without hearing a low echo of your lines. It wasn't like it was a school night anyway, it was only Friday. So you did what you would normally do when you were bored. Texted Miles. You rolled over on your side, grabbed your phone from your nightstand, and immediately opened your messenger app and selected Miles contact. 

'Bambi 💗'

'hey bambs'
'u on patrol rn?'

'ysh, inmd on dprateok l l bur I cna tskla'
'wbc hat ttyu nwd B?'

'Miles are you texting me while in a fight'

'js lell me g najhy yojy skll up'

'I can't sleep but please focus! you die imma fuckin kill u'

Read, 4:21

I blinked twice at my phone, trying to decipher if I should just text him back in ten minutes or if he would call me in ten minutes as I laid my phone back down on my dresser. I'd find out soon enough considering he'd text me first, tossing and turning in my blankets as I struggled to get comfortable. Everything seemed to feel uncomfortable right now; my bones hurt, one bra strap was too loose, my bedroom was hot, and I felt unbelievably awake as I struggled to fight for dominance against nothing. I groaned loudly, kicking off my blankets as I stretched out on my queen-sized bed, scrolling through TikTok as I began to feel like something out of a core-core video. Ten minutes went by and I heard a rather loud knock on my window, immediately yelping as I whipped my head toward my dark gray curtains. My phone dinged with a text from Miles telling me to open my window, instantly relaxing as I shifted out of bed.

I covered my body with the curtains, giving him a stern glare as I unlocked the window for Miles. "You couldn't let a nigga know you was coming over? I don't even have a proper shirt on." I spat, fixing my bra as I ran into my closet to find a shirt. "I literally don't care, I just wanna hug you?" Miles stated as he pulled me out of my closet, lifting me off my feet as he began walking to my kitchen. I yelped as he held me close against his hip, shuffling towards my fridge with quickness and efficiency. I wrapped my legs around his waist for support, watching as he casually grabbed MY leftovers from out the fridge. "You real comfortable for someone who don't live here," I stated, side-eying Miles for the sheer audacity he had to enter through my window and eat my food.

"You're literally clinging onto me right now...I think I'm in lines to grab some food" he chuckled as he continued to raid my motherfuckin' fridge. I rolled my eyes, resting my head in the crook of his neck as I watched him microwave my leftovers with one hand, keeping the other firmly tucked under my upper thigh to prevent me from falling on the floor. "Holding me with one hand is crazy...I don't feel heavy to you?" I ask, looking up at Miles expectantly. He thought for a minute, raising me up and down slightly as if double-checking how I felt in his arm. "Nah. Feels like I'm holding a small bag of oranges" he nodded as he retrieved the little black box of crab cakes and asparagus from the microwave.

He placed me on the kitchen counter so he could eat his food, feeding me most of the crab cakes as he broke down who he was fighting before he showed up outside my window. "So then...she started threatening me with a knife...I don't think she thought that through personally, but whatever" he shrugged, flinging around a spear of asparagus through childish giggles. I watch silently, holding back giggles as he pretends to whack me with the tiny vegetable, clearly getting distracted from the meal he was just eating. I rolled my eyes, chuckling at his sense of humor as I swatted the peppery spear out of my face. "Has anyone ever told you you look exactly like an asparagus?" I asked shortly before laughing loudly.

"You're not fucking funny" he mumbled, quickly finishing the asparagus with a pout that was unbelievably similar to an angry baby deer. Tears clouded my vision as I struggled to breathe, absent-mindedly reaching for Miles as I nearly fell off of the counter from being a fucking comedic genius. He quickly grabbed my shoulders, catching me before I met the ground as a small smile creeps up onto his face. "Whatever...Let's just watch a movie or somethin'" he shrugged, rolling his eyes and scooping me back up off the marbled counter and carrying me over towards my couch. I nodded as I weakly gripped his white compression shirt, stabilizing my lungs with each breath.

Miles threw me down onto the couch, giving me a tiny smile before attempting to work my projector while I search for that fucking Roku remote that always seems to grow legs when I need it most. "Yo, there's this movie I wanna watch. It's called Fast Color, you down?" I ask while I duck down under the couch, reaching for that damn remote as I scan through movies in my mind. "Yeah, what's it about?" Miles asked, finally turning on the tiny white box as the TV screen illuminated my wall. "Nigga. I literally just said I haven't watched it" I retort, getting comfortable on my couch and making some room for Miles as he makes his way over to me. He sucked his teeth, rolled his eyes, and flopped down next to me on the couch before scooping me up and placing me on his lap. I went to Hulu and searched 'Fast Color' in the search bar before selecting the movie title and getting comfortable with Miles under my fluffy pink blanket.

We spent most of the movie giggling and making stupid commentary, early morning giggles setting in as the film progressed. "Damn, she started having seizures after getting pregnant?" I asked, eyes and smile widening as I prepared to say something wildly out of pocket. "She got her shit beat in. Dick had her spazzin' that's CRAZY." I gasped, clasping a hand over my mouth in fake shock as the main character, Ruth, started violently shaking. "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!" Miles shouted as he laughed hysterically, laughter vibrating in his chest while he covered my mouth. "You can't talk noooo more! No more!" He shouted as I could almost hear his eyes roll. "I will lick your palm, Miles" I threatened as his giant ass hand muffled my voice.

"EW!" Miles shouted as he quickly removed his hand from my mouth and rubbed my saliva on the side of my face. "YOU DISRESPECTFUL ASS NIGGA!" I shouted, turning around and hitting him with a couch pillow. "YOU LITERALLY LICKED ME!" He yelled back, quickly springing up as I chased after him with his can of soda. I chased him around my house for twenty minutes, dead set on getting my lick back as I threw the now-empty soda at the back of his head. It had no real effect, only stopping right before his hair and falling straight to the ground.

"Fuck you, bro."

"Aye, don't 'bro' me I am your husband." He retorted as he tossed the can in the trash. I giggled, waltzing into my room as I got comfortable in my bed. "Yeah, aight. You ain't even propose to me, how you my husband?" I asked as I buried my face in my pillow, feeling myself slowly begin to mellow out. I felt my mattress dip under Miles' extra body weight, making no effort to move as he pulled me closer to him and rested his entire body weight on mine. He yawned, burying his face in the top of my bonnet and kissing my forehead.

"Cuz I said so. Now g'night."

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