「 ♥︎ 𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗕𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗠, 𝗠𝗔𝗠𝗔! ♥︎ 」

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The following night at your dorm was filled with knowing silence. Gia was acutely aware of the lack of your presence during laser tag, bombarding you with a sea of questions as soon as she saw you again. Initially, she thought you were just a great hider, and wanted to wait for the perfect moment to strike. But when she overheard Kavello asking Miles if you and him had been making out in the back of the room? Bitch she was GOBSMACKED.

"So...When were you gonna tell me about you and Miles?" She spoke up as she dipped down from her bunk, coming face-to-face with your crouched form that was preoccupied with your switch. "Huh-? Bambi...? OH! Whatchu mean, G?" I asked with a skeptical look. I was almost 100 percent sure that nobody saw us up until Miles left, with Kavello being the only potential witness depending on how long he'd been hiding. 

"Why did I hear Kavello ask if you and Miles were making out in the ring?" She asked as she swung her body over the railing, landing on your bed with a small thump. "People don't just say that, you know? Fuck was y'all doing?" she continued to poke.

"C'mon, 'ts not even like that for real. We was talking, and we was getting kinda close, and his tongue was in my mouth-" you rushed before getting cut off.

"HIS WHAT!?" Her yell was loud enough to break several sound barriers, ears ringing dully as you processed just how loud she had gotten.

"SHUT YO ASS UP! You n Kavello are the only niggas who know. Plus, it didn't mean anything. It was just a heat-of-the-moment thing. We're not dating I swear." You clarify as you smack your switch gently to make sure she didn't pop its speaker.

"How the fuck do you make out with someone and stay friends? If I made out with Ganke right now would we still be friends?" She interrogated with an irritated look on her face.

"I mean...yeah! If you tell him you're just friends!"

"Look me dead in my fucking face and tell me you're being serious. Say on god." she deadpanned.

I bite my lip as I struggle to fight the oncoming fit of giggles. I ultimately lost the battle against human nature, giggling like a madman as Gia joined. I knew I sounded stupid, and that friends don't exchange saliva in the dark, but I wasn't gonna be the one to address the elephant in the room until necessary. It was painfully clear that we both had something going on, but neither of us felt like tagging it just yet. It was really up to me or Miles to confront the situation, and I knew what the answer would be regardless, I just wanted to hear him say it first. So like the stupid fucking teenager I am, I shot him a small text.

"Hey Bambs"

"Wsp B (* ^ ω ^)"

"you n these cute ass emojis lmaoo"

"They're kaomojis! N I'm js chillin w Ganke rn this nigga snorin like a mug🤷🏾‍♂️ "
"we found ur poster at target so we got one for tha dorm! But mami says you gotta come over this week. You been gone too long.

"alr alr tell mama morales I'll be there"

"Bet. N come over to my dorm I wanna see u"

"ur tweakin Ganke Is over 1, and do you know what time it is?"

"js bring Gia?"
"I know she looking at yo phone rn"

Gia immediately looked up at me with a slightly fearful expression and a low giggle. "Damn did he sense me breathing?"

"Right! Like that's what I'm saying how the fuck did you know that." I gasped a little louder than anticipated.

"Damn, nigga ok😭😭! We bouta swing past rn"
seen 23:49

"WE?" Gia half-shouted with a shocked expression.

"Yes, WE. You're gonna go see Ganke." I giggled as I raised myself up from my bed, fixing my hair and tying the elastic on my sweatpants. "C'mon we finna go say wassup to homies, you can go hang out with Ganke or stay with us if you like. I just agreed you'd be over."

"Alright, bet. C'mon." she huffed as she squirmed out of my bed and darted through the door. I slipped on my panda slipper boots and made my way to Miles's dorm. The walk was mainly silent until Gia mumbled a quick "Don't get laid while I'm gone" and laughed quietly.

"Make me knock you smooth out." I deadpanned. "I already told you it's not like that, plus I'm really not interested in smashing nobody right now" I chuckled. We skipped our way up the stairs before knocking on their dorm door, giggling as Ganke emerged with Miles. "Alright, have fun you two!" Miles chirped as he waved goodbye to Ganke and Gia, who seemed to somehow telepathically agree they weren't staying in the dorm with us. I gave a small goodbye to the pair before stepping inside Miles's dorm and laying down on his bed immediately. "Hey Bambs!"

"Hey B!" He sighed as he stretched out across the small bunk bed, smacking you in the face in the process.

"Miles don't play with me." I glared as I watched Miles giggle his ass off.

"C'mon now, you in MY room don't do that." He joked. He huffed before swiftly rolling over, wrapping me in both of his arms and hugging me close to him. "See? See what happens when we start acting shady?" he laughs as I chortle and squirm in his hold

"Let me go you massive forehead havin' ass nigga! AH! STRANGER DANGER!!" I mock-yelled in between laughs. Which really didn't help my case at all, as he seemed to hold me tight enough to fix my posture. I sighed and accepted my fate as a life-size plushie for the next however many hours. Surprisingly, through everything the silence has never once shifted to awkward or uncomfortable. Like there was just an invisible barrier preventing us from feeling...strange around each other. Yeah, that was it.

"You gon let me go anytime soon?" I asked playfully.

"Nah. Imma do my own-"

"shut yo ass up."

We stayed cuddled as he told me about his newest adventures as Spider-Man, being halfway down Staten Island chasing some new villain of the week for stealing some diamonds. "That is absolutely insane. Running from borough to borough is wild," you gasped as he essentially told you he ran over 50 miles. "Nah nah I swung over, so it wasn't that long." he shrugged. You hummed as he explained how his web cartridge nearly ran out so he had to give the boul the piece combo with a side of fries instead of just webbing him up, and THEN walked back to Brooklyn to turn him over to the police.

"Now why would you do that? I know your legs was DYIN'." I chortled. I knew he was a lil bit airheaded but damn nobody told me this nigga was a complete dumbass! "You couldn't have just used the same web to swing over and over again?"

He stopped playing with the curls on my head for a minute, seemingly thinking about something before going wide-eyed and groaning loudly. "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT SHIT EARLIERR" he whined as he tossed me over on his left side, hugging me tighter than before. My back was against his chest as his head rested on my shoulder. "You think you allat huh? You think you bigger n badder than Spider-Man?" He joked as I could audibly hear the insomnia creep up in his voice. I chuckled as I felt him nuzzle closer to me and drift off to sleep

Missed me, huh?

You stayed awake for a little longer than him, scrolling on your phone as Miles's grip loosened around your stomach. You could've moved, but you didn't want to. So you leaned into his delicate hold and pondered a couple of things before setting your alarm two hours early to avoid the room sweep. What does this mean for you two? I mean, you've never exactly cuddled up close and personal like this before...I should probably ask about that in the morning. No, but, I don't wanna ruin anything...hmm...let's just think. Just us, yeah?

I know that Miles likes me, that's a given...otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation right now. But am I really willing to be in a relationship right now? I mean, I've got school, acting, emotional growth, and reflecting to do before making a decision that could ultimately stem into a butterfly effect in my life. And there's its own issues that come with dating literal Spider-Man, but I'm gonna choose to not factor that in right now. I mean, as long as I love him right?

I smiled to myself as I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I'd probably just ask him out tomorrow, he's already asleep. Welp bitch, G'nite.

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