「 ✦ 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻 ✦ 」

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   During the drive home, I decided to make a slight detour to get a quick snack. There were plenty of places close to my house, so it wasn't much of a hassle. I walk around the small shopping outlet, observing the various flashing signs and glowing lights, but for some reason, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. The strange sensation sent my fight-or-flight response ringing, so I decided to turn on my heel and just eat what was in the house. As I walked back to my car, I felt a pair of forceful hands grab me by my waist and lift me in the air. I scream my lungs out as I watch my feet leave the ground, tears pricking at my waterline immediately at the feeling of the crisp air whipping against my face.

   I immediately look up to see a masked man with what seems like a jetpack or backpack making his way up to one of the highest buildings in the area. My screaming caught the attention of nearby civilians, as I hear screaming and the gasps of a sea of people. A group of people had been recording on their phones, while the others watched in horror as I was held at the top of a building by the strange man.

   "You're that pretty little actor, right? Surely you got some money on you. C'mon, lil lady, just give me your valuables and we'll be alright. Wouldn't want you to fall now would we?" He coos in his sick, condescending tone. He talks down to me like a child as his arm wraps around my neck, positioning me into a tight headlock as I kick and punch wherever I can.  Truth is, I really didn't have much on me. Just my wallet, phone, and Apple watch. 

   My eyes widen as I gape at the dreadful man, silently pleading for him to put me back on the ground as my feet dangle over 70 feet in the air.

   I calm my voice as much as I can, focusing on my uneven breathing to try and conserve what little control I had over the situation. "H-hey man...I just wanna get back home. I don't have- anything on me!" I stutter out in a strangled manner. "I don't carry cash, n my cards are locked." I lied in an attempt to convince him I wasn't worth the trouble. 

   "Aww, what a shame. C'mon doll, I'm much smarter than that. Why don't you just let me do all the searching-" He begins before I feel something attach itself to my stomach, yanking me forward with the force of a bullet train and out of the villain's grasp. I thud into an embrace that feels familiar, but oh so very foreign. I don't care whose grasp I'm in, and it isn't until I feel my body reunite with stable footing that I open my eyes slightly. It was Spider-Man, the guy that distracted the paparazzi from me and Angel but more importantly, the fucking Superhero!

   Well, ain't that a bitch?

   My eyes widen as I catch my breath, hands on my knees as I heave over, panting rapidly. I look up as I watch the hero pummel the new 'Villain-Of-The-Week', as the crowd refers to him with so much aggression it could almost be described as anger.

   "HELL YEAH GET HIS ASS! FUCKIN' BITCH!" I yell to the top of the building, making sure to shout my praises as I witness that arrogant womanizer happy feet motherfucker get what he deserves. "LETS FUCKIN' GO!" I cheer as I throw my fists into the air in triumph. Was I doin' a lil much? Nah. Not really. I watch as Spider-Man webs up the guy, swinging off the building, and letting him hit the ground ever so slightly. Not enough to injure the guy, but enough to cause a little bit more than a sting. I clutch at my heart as the previous adrenaline wears off, taking deep breaths as I crouch down to process the situation that just happened. Everyone around me is cheering but I've genuinely never felt so fearful in my life.

   "Hey, you okay?"

   I look up to see Spider-Man extending his hand to help me up off the ground, which I gratefully accept. I examine his suit up close, taking note of the small details and what looked like some smudged spray paint around the tips of his fingers. He had a similar build to Miles, only he was a couple of inches shorter. Or maybe it was Miles's hair that gave him the illusion of being a little taller than this guy.

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