「 ♥︎ 𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗧𝗼 𝗠𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗵 ♥︎ 」

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You lay in your bed, your upper chest rising and falling with each smooth breath you took. Your dream was a little odd, but nothing scary as you watched two strangers argue in what looked like...a hotel lobby. The voices were muffled and unfamiliar, but as soon as you went to move at all, the voices began loud and invaded your real hearing as you jumped up from your bed. You heard the voice of Miles and...someone else? In YOUR kitchen?

I quickly threw on Miles' hoodie that he arrived in last night, speeding to my kitchen to see who the intruder was. Was it really worth it when Spider-Man was the one arguing in my kitchen? I pondered all these things, emerging from my bedroom to see a blonde stranger in my kitchen, with bright pale blue eyes. Her face was reddened by the minute, and tears cascaded down her cheeks as she stood with her arms wrapped around each other. "Miles, please! I just wanna talk to you again, I really didn't mean-"

"You got about five fucking seconds to tell me what the fuck you doing in my kitchen. Let alone, IN MY HOUSE." I threatened. I calmly put both hands on the back of my couch. The girl turned to face me, eyes immediately widening as shock coated her face. She was clearly upset, that's for sure. My head nearly falls off when I recognize the chick from the burger place, better known as "Gwendolyn" by Miles.  She nervously put her hands out in front of her, immediately flashing me the most fearful expression that could only be viewed as a child defending themselves against their own parent as my hand dipped down in between couch cushions. I hate to admit it, but my heart nearly cracked when I saw just how afraid she was.

Miles sighed and groaned in frustration. "See? I TOLD YOU you shouldn't be here. You're doing the same shit you were doing a year ago, you not sorry! You're sorry we stopped speaking!" He yelled, tone laced with a newfound anger I had to learn about. I stopped reaching in between the cushions, still staring sharp daggers into Gwen's eyes. "Hello? Speak to the fuckin' house owner? What are you doing in my house?" I interrupted.

"Oh, I-...I'm..ahah...so sorry. I set my watch to wherever Miles was, and I didn't think..." She stuttered, nervously giggling and backing away slowly. "I just...I-I just wanted to...sniff...speak to Miles!" She nodded as she found refuge against my wall.

"Well if Miles doesn't wanna speak to you, It's not your job to follow him around. I don't give a fuck if you followed him to fucking hell and back, your journey stops INSIDE MY HOUSE." I reiterated firmly as I glared at her. "But since you're here, and...crying like that...Say what the fuck you wanna say and leave. I don't wanna see you back so get your shit out now" I grunted, gesturing towards Miles with my head and jumping from behind my couch to land right on the comfy cushions. I watched the girl nod, slowly peel herself from the wall, and fidget with her hands as Miles glared at her, clear annoyance in his expression.

She spoke in between sniffles and sobs, clearly trying her best to hold herself together as she spoke in shaky whispers, "Miles, I'm really really sorry. I was so fucking dumb and I...I just want my friend back. I was a horrible friend to you, and I almost got you killed on multiple occasions, I just can't find the right words to say how fucking sorry I am! Please, Miles!" She pleaded as she practically broke down on my floor. Miles's expression almost softened, then got twice as stern and somehow climbed in anger as he nodded. "Okay! Goodbye!" he smiled, waving at Gwen and then pointing to my front door.

My face fell as I watched Gwen break in real-time. Any sparkle or hope in her eyes seemed to disappear as she looked back at Miles, face fluctuating between firey red and ghost white as she choked on her own tears. She slowly left my house, leaving behind a trail of any memories they shared together in her path. My eyes widened as Miles quickly locked the door behind her and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was a 5'10 tall stack of nothing but pure rage right now, and I felt like I didn't wanna fuck around and find out. 

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