Peaceful Dreams

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It has been six months since the painting was returned to dad. My dreams were peaceful since then. Today is the anniversary of the disappearance of my mom and the painting all those years ago. I was a tiny thing and just a toddler. My dreams were very peaceful ones and I saw dad, mom and my baby brother walking into the sunset. I wake up and I realize that my dad is usually awake at this time. I decide to go check on him after that dream. I knock on his door and I see him on his bed fully clothed. I notice he isn't breathing and I try to wake him and do CPR. I dial 911 and call the staff to help me. Soon the EMTS have called it the time of death. Seven am, they think he died in his sleep. I call the funeral home and tell them what he wants and they need to engrave the headstone and place it by Carla's. I notice his paintbrush is still damp. I see that he has painted a painting of mom, him and baby Ray and me watching them walk into the light as they leave me here all alone. He lived just long enough to put moms affairs in order and his as well. The doctor only gave him a year to live and his only prayer was to find Carla or her body and my brothers body as well. I need to pull myself together and shower and I get my dads keys and climb up into the drivers seat and adjust the seat. I see mom's photo on the visor. He never dated after she disappeared because he felt it would be cheating on her. I took a picture of the new painting and they can etch it into the headstone and it will take longer because I asked for a special design. A temporary marker will be used the day he is buried.

I am standing holding the flag they gave me because dad served in the black ops. The had a missing man formation along with a twenty one gun salute. Six men in military uniforms of different kind carry his casket and put it in the place that will lower him into the ground. I feel an arm catch me as I can't stand up any longer because I forgot to eat. I am carried out of the cemetery and driven to the nearby hospital. I can't wake up. I see mom, dad and baby Ray they are telling me that it isn't my time and I am needed and my children are not long from meeting me. I suddenly wake up and a dr Grey is smiling at me.

Dr Grace Grey
I had to work the ER department today and we got a young woman who fainted at her fathers funeral. Gideon Cross brought her in after catching her before she hit her head on her fathers headstone. She is very thin and looks to have malnutrition and dehydrated. We need to get her eating and drinking. One of her staff said she was trying to feed her, but she couldn't get her to eat because she was trying to get things done before burying her father. We need to admit her and there is no next of kin. No emergency contacts at all. Miss Steele is all alone in the world and Gideon Cross saved her life today. A handsome billionaire rescues her from near death at her last kin's funeral. You can't make this up. I don't think they are a couple. Mia could have such luck. She seems to attract bums. She's getting better though at telling the bums who are seeing her as their sugar mama and guys who are truly looking to date her for herself. She has gotten a lot better since her training. She has a year and a half left on her contract. She has became close to Kate and Karen Kavanagh and they have a year left on their contracts. The changes are amazing, at first they fell flat on their faces, but they were shown ways to use their skills to pick themselves up and they still have things arise and they balance all the balls until they get back to an even keel.

I am so glad that I attended her dads funeral. Who would have caught her if I hadn't been there. It was meant for me to save her. Ireland would read way too much into all of this if she had been here. She is coming to Seattle to help me get things together on the Lincoln house. All the bodies and bones have been found and returned to their families. I am sitting there when Ireland comes in like a tornado and hugs me. She is early. She looks at Anastasia Steele and smiles.

Giddy she isn't a blonde, you have never liked brunettes. He tells me they aren't dating they are neighbors. She owns the house between his two properties. He tells me everything and I laugh about the haunted painting and how it affected him and Gia and his Jennifer said it was haunting everyone and once they found the woman's body her returned the painting to her father and it was like she was trying to get back to mr Steele. I don't believe in ghosts and he doesn't either, but he said that he believed after that. Gia won't go back in the Lincoln's home again. So I will be doing the decorating and everything. She is going to decorate his new home though.

I wake up and see Gideon and a young woman sharing french fries and a sandwich. The nurse arrives and places a tray of hospital food and opens the lid and says to eat all of it. I look at it and cringe and the young woman hands me french fries and ketchup packets and a full sandwich then a milk shake.

I introduce myself and give her the meal we bought her and she eats them and thanks me for buying her real food. I like her sense of humor.

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