The Land Part Two

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I am watching the land by me be invaded by construction workers of all kinds. Cross construction crews are everywhere. The Lincoln's have moved, they left in the middle of the night. That was a month ago. The mortgage company has came by and I get the number, but before I could call them a man in a Maserati drove up and chatted with them. I can't believe it, he took down the sign and they shook hands like they had a deal or something. Grrrr

Anastasia tells me someone bought the Lincoln's house within seconds of the for sale sign going up by the mortgage company. She called the number and they told her it was bought by Gideon Cross, he offered ten percent over asking as is. They grabbed the money and ran. It is closing in a month. I tell Anastasia that we don't need to worry about a thing and our water stops running. I check and then we hear a knock on the door.

Cross Construction supervisor Rogers
We accidentally turned off the water to the home next door and can't get it back on. So here I am again to talk to a home owner regarding getting their water back on. It might take a few hours or a week depending on the problem. The beautiful woman who opens the door after security has announced us has me tongue tied, but her husband or father who knows these days asks to to close my mouth and tell him why I am disturbing them? I introduce myself and tell them we accidentally caused an issue with their water supply and it might take a few hours or a week. Neither looked happy regarding this information and told me to get it resolved today. I try to explain, but they didn't want to hear it. I call Mr Cross and he arrives to chat with them himself. Normally mr Cross would have no problems charming people but these two don't give a crapola who mr Cross is and they demand their water get back on immediately.

Normally I could charm my way out of jams, but it isn't working here. Miss Steele and Mr Steele are demanding their water be fixed immediately and they have every right to have those expectations and I try to explain why that might not happen but they aren't receptive to anything coming from the man whose construction crew caused them water loss and they aren't given a definitive time frame to which they can expect it to be turned back on. I offer several solutions but none of them are adequate since they have pets that aren't used to strangers or strange places. A black cat jumps up into the young woman's arms and hisses at me every time I look the cat and her owners way.

We do have access to the Lincoln's home and the water us on there. If you would want to go over and use their bathrooms and water.

I don't think so. I don't want to use their facilities. I want my own. Mr Cross wants to know why but I am not volunteering any information to him. I tell him to stop wasting time and get more people focused on the repairs of our water instead of bothering us with the minutia. He got the point and we shut the door and I hear him tell Rogers to triple the staff on getting the water turned back on and leave that area alone until it is necessary to do something else to it. Like get the water meters and the pipes from the main lines. They knew what they were doing on the water pipes and they figured we wouldn't guess what they were doing. Well I didn't see the water company arrive to inspect anything, but cameras show they tapped into our water supply system to supply water to the crew. An hour later we have our water back on. I can see that Rogers is having heated discussions on the phone and then he turns the water back on again. He had turned our supply off so he could use the water through their own pipes to various makeshift systems they erected.

Don't ever do that again. Bring other options and don't steal other people's water supply. Just get the pipes in and have them inspected and a meter placed on where it needs to be from now on. That young lady was gorgeous her cat was protecting her from me. Apparently it sensed that I was attracted to her and wasn't having any of it. I didn't see a ring on her finger and Rogers think she is the man's daughter and the cat is a female cat named Elmer Fudd. He saw her bowl and her kittens nursing from her.

We finally got the water company out to show us where the meter would be connected and we got it connected and the pipes in within a week. Gideon told me to get the pipes in then the meter and the pipes in the structure rather than putting the neighbors out. We could be sued by her and her dad for using their water and turning their supply off and rerouting it for our use.

Meanwhile Karen and Kate are learning what it is like to clean up their own messes.

Kate you don't get a break yet, get off your ass and clean that toilet and I mean until you see the white porcelain. Don't give me that look, I feel nothing for a slob that can't keep an apartment as nice as this clean. You are too spoiled and your neighbors want you and your sister gone because your apartment stinks up the whole place. See those tiny black things on the floor there. Those are mouse and rat droppings and there goes three roaches and their ant friends. You date? Right?

I go out with guys, but I only bring them back here if the cleaning crew come that day. I suddenly see the used condoms at the back of the toilet. I am told my mess to clean up and I bag them and throw them into another trash bag.

Oh dear God there are so many used condoms  under my bed I can't even stand it. I then scream as two mice are eating the stale pizza under there as well. Susannah laughs as she sees the mice run into my pile of clothing in my closet. She tells me to keep cleaning. We have been working hours and still the smell us horrible. Soon we find dead mice and a dead rat. I am told to pick them up and put them in the trash and take them to the dumpster. I need directions to them. I don't even get a break. The neighbors are laughing and some tell me it is about time we clean up after ourselves rather than wait for a cleaning crew. We aren't even half done.

They have worked all day and night and the trash is gone and dead critters are now gone, well the ones we found in the open that is. Herman is telling Karen to stop crying because she caused her own troubles and she has to solve them and the first step is cleaning up your own messes. Kate hears it and I tell her the same goes for her. Her and her sister rented an immaculate apartment and turned it into a biohazard area.

A month later Kate and Karen have learned to clean their own environments and they have started learning to cook and clean the kitchen. They don't wash their dry clean only clothing they know how to iron their clothing. They now wash their own clothes and use quarters in the laundry room like the other apartment residences. It was something to behold. The get jobs as well, they had to as part of their agreement with their parents. They were praised by their parents, but two months doesn't prove anything. They are surprise inspections for two years. All part of the contracts that they signed. After that their parents have other ideas for them both.

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