Special Delivery

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We finally found the best use for the device and we were happy to be able to share it with the world, but people got greedy and we took it away from them. We had certain conditions and only GEH teams had access to it. A hospital was set up just to provide medical services using the device was set up. When we discovered a few doctors were trying to profit off it we terminated their legal contract sight unseen. Mia has been very active lately and it scares me. It did scare me when she said her water broke while she was shampooing the carpet. I am heading to the ER along with Mia. Me being driven and her in an ambulance.

I was shampooing the carpet and my water broke when I went to empty the dirty water. I pressed my panic button when I found myself on the floor along with the container of dirty water. The staff comes running in and called 911 and they helped clean me up along with the fluids. They got me laying down on my bed with a shower curtain over a sheet to prevent damage to our mattresses. Someone prepared for this to happen. It didn't take long for our daughter to arrive after we got to the hospital. Barney made it just in time to see Bella Lynn to arrive and cut the cord, Nina Leigh arrived thirty minutes later.

Bella and Nina are beautiful and they look like a blended version of Mia and Barney. Most people see the nerdy side of Barney and not the hot Barney that Mia met and married. All grandparents were there when Bella and Nina were born. The Millers look twenty years old and they look like they have a glow about them. I am thinking it is a side affect of the device being used on them. Carrick is very proud of his granddaughters. All of them. We have been having a lot of fun with all the grandkids. Kate and Elliott are trying to have another baby and Anastasia is thinking about it. Twins weren't expected but they were very healthy. The staff were prepared for any kind of emergency and that's why they are the best you can hire. Another service Steele Securities provides. I had no idea Anastasia and her father ran a company that only the best and most trustworthy people were able to be hired by them and put in place without any issues of concern.

I had dealings with the Steele's and found out things about their company and that they were an international company and offered a multitude of services. Some were pro bono if it called for it. They were from old money that kept being passed from generations and each one increased their wealth. It didn't surprise me after the blow up about the prenuptial agreement conversation. I tried to get a background check on Anastasia and I couldn't find her assets or her income and at one point it blocked me searching any further searches. Jason told me to let sleeping dogs lie and trust the Steele's and especially the ones we know personally. We have two more granddaughters and I do believe that Barney was thrilled that he had daughters. They look like him and Mia.

I am so proud of our granddaughters and they look like both their parents. Barney chose well as far as Mia for his wife and mother of his children. Glenn and I are going to be the best grandparents we can be. We seem to be having a few side effects from the device and some are surprising and welcome. Like it seems to have been like a fountain of youth. I guess because they used it so often in the time we were gone it caused this to happen. We have given blood and a few biopsies. We both understood why they needed them. They are able to help people with the device under controlled circumstances and only for those who can't afford the treatments. Hopefully it will do the most good for the most people.

I am holding my granddaughters and getting my photos taken with them. We are very happy with granddaughters and we look forward to grandsons. I won't bring that up at this point. We only had Barney because he was always creating things and we were frightened for his safety. Until his creations were patented useful products and we got an attorney to patent them for him. We signed contacts for him as his parents, but we made sure his money was placed in an account that was for him and his future. Little did we know that as soon as he signed the final documents we would be grabbed along with his super secret device. Luckily we had someone that we trusted to be Barney's guardians. The Taylor's were a great couple that we met prior to meeting their boss and they got us in contact with him. We just didn't want mr Grey to know our connections to the Taylor's because we wanted him to hire Barney for his talents and he did at 14. He negotiated for patent use and was generous so when he wanted him to work for him we signed the paperwork to make it happen. It was the best thing we ever did. Looking at our granddaughters concretes that decision up and very nicely. Security is so tight you can't tell who is who in the nursery. Unless you know the difference.

I am looking forward to having a son. Kate is pregnant and I am walking on eggshells around her now. Christian is laughing at me and Anastasia tells him his time will come again. I guess they are trying again and hoping for just one this time.

I look at the Marney mixture and they are so cute. I want one of them. I am going to buy them matching outfits with the shoes, hats and handbags. I snap photos of them every chance I get.

Nina and Bella are little beauties and hardly cry. They have hearty appetites too. Christian hugs me and he is ready for more babies. Ours are talking and demanding and not happy when they don't get their ways. Too bad.

I love my three but I could deal with a couple more babies. One at a time though. We are standing at the nursery when they bring a couple of baby does in to get cleaned up. Mom is right behind them and she has a very worried look on her face. She rushes inside and moves the baby does further into the nursery.

I am glad I was here when the homeless female was brought in in critical condition and full term. A couple discovered her and called an ambulance. She had no ID and someone is searching for missing persons for her. Dr James Greene delivered the babies C-section in the ER trauma room. I did the initial evaluation of the babies. One was a boy who weighed seven pounds and two ounces and 22 inches long. The girl is 4 pounds 1 ounce and 16 inches long. She was hiding behind her brother and deep under the mothers ribs. Their mother died and we had barely any time to deliver the babies.

I see both my sons who are trying for another child and I have an idea. Both are looking at adoption as well. These babies could use a break and what better break to be adopted by very good parents who can provide them a good home.

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