Elliott Jr.

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I just can't believe that Kate went into labor while we just chatting about the situation with Edward and her new baby being so close in age. She finally told me to stop talking about it because she doesn't want to discuss something that will be far down the line. I just hold up an infants outfit and she hates it but I buy it anyway. Soon she doubles over and her water breaks in the middle of shopping. I call for help, but her security people are already on the scene and they move quickly and an ambulance arrives and the EMTs arrive and lift her and the store manager has someone clean the mess up that we created. One of her security has paid for all our purchases and are building me to the car to be taken to the hospital. It was a huge blur and I can't get my head on straight I am in such a panic. The baby is early. I think it might be my fault.

Kate's security has let me know to get to the hospital now. Kate's unconscious after her water broke during an argument with her mother during shopping. I knew it, Enid convinced her to go shopping for baby clothing with her. When she says shopping she means go with me while I choose what your children will be wearing. I can't stop thinking about her and her poor behavior over our wedding her and my mother competing for running the wedding show. The miscarriages are definitely due to stress brought on by Enid. Kate won't discuss i, but she doesn't deny her mother upset her just prior to each miscarriage. I tried to keep Enid away from Kate and succeeded until she did an end run and dragged Kate out to shop.

I don't want to see or hear from my mother and tell the staff as much. They get me into labor and delivery and dr Cheryl Greene is just in time to stop my mom from entering my room. My security finally came and helped mom to the waiting room. My labor pain is getting worse and worse and I need Elliott here. Dr Greene has a look on her face and calls the nurse over and says something soon they bring two cribs in and two sets of everything. I look at her face and she smiles.

Dr Cheryl Greene
I am surprised that we hadn't seen this on the sonograms but I am sure they won't care about having another mouth to feed. I deliver Elliott jr. and soon his brother arrives and boy is he mad. Both are very healthy for three weeks early. Kate was very lucky her security team knew exactly what to do and did it immediately. Have to praise ex military officers who know their training in every situation. I know I do.

I get the call and head to see Kate and our new grandsons. Enid is crying in the waiting room because she isn't allowed inside to see Kate or the boys. I guess Kate had her thrown out. Well not my problem at this point. Eamon was allowed inside and the rest of us were as well. I always wondered if she had something to do with Kate's miscarriages, because she seemed to be with her with both of them. Elliott made mention that he wanted her to stay away from Kate on this pregnancy and made sure it happened until today. Apparently she started an argument with Kate about baby clothing and it put Kate into early labor and her water breaking. Security got to Kate and got her transported quickly. They drove her mother to the hospital but Kate refused to let her into her room. Elliott told me in private that they think that Enid was the catalyst to the early miscarriages and she had a hand in the boys coming three weeks early. So now I understand why she was kept out of the room.

I am going to see my daughter and grandsons even if Enid can't. I take photos and I can tell that Enid has been her typical self and probably argued that she knows better about what to buy for her grandchildren than their mother does. Karen stays away from her during shopping. She returns everything that Enid buys and gets the cash and buys what they need. James is a good husband and he has a growing practice. He is almost as good as his mother is at this point. They want to have more children, but they want a nice home first. They live in a tiny home they bought and hoped to build onto but they didn't look into if they could build further out onto the place. Right now they can't unless they get a permit and those are hard to come by where they own. I look at the newest grandsons and they look just like Elliott except with Kate's blue green eyes. Of course they are my eyes as well. Enid has brown hazel eyes.

Elliott jr. is now cleaned up and both boys were circumcised and we name his brother Arthur Christian Grey. I have spoken to Kate about the fact that we might want to let Anastasia and Christian have Edward back with his twin. She agrees with me about it. So even though we have had him for six months he has already developed an attachment to Colleen and Anastasia and he might easily transition into their home at this point.

We have a talk with Anastasia and Christian and they agree to try it, but until everyone sees how it works and if it will work. We slowly do it and Ava misses Edward but she has her new siblings. We arrange playdates and that has helped a lot. Ava will understand when she gets older. Anastasia has been very good to Edward and he has really adjusted well. Then he knows them very well and they have watched him and  Ava. Gideon is still not allowing my parents to see the triplets. They see photos in the newspaper of them. They still look like Denise. I have photos of them that I got from photos of birthday parties that Anastasia and Christian attended for them. I took a photo of it. I know I shouldn't do it, but I think they should at least see the triplets in photos. Ethan was wrong in how he treated Denise and she wasn't the first he treated this way. He is dating Gia Matteo now and she definitely won't put up with his crap. I know she didn't put up with nine or Karen's crap in high school.

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