Cease And Desist

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I got a certified letter from Gideon and Denise Cross to cease and desist taking photos of even photographs of my nephews. Elliott told me they are threatening jail and punitive damages if I ignore the request. So I am forced to stop taking photos of any of the Cross family. Including photos of photos. Ethan told me that he doesn't care what his sons looks like and to ignore mom and dads request to get photos. I decide to stop talking to my parents about my nephews and let them fight their own battles.

Kate has been avoiding her parents calls and texts messages. I know it hurts her, but not more than her going to jail for violating the court orders. She has stopped taking photos completely because of the court orders. It saddens me, but I get photos of the family and keep from taking them of the Cross boys. I show Gideon my photos so he can see what I took photos of.

My pregnancy is running smooth so far and I visit Ireland a lot. Thomas is working long hours again. I think he is building her a home as a surprise. I saw plans on Elliott's phone when he was showing Gideon the photos he took and it had Sawyers new home on dozens of photos. Elliott had to go meet a customer and the phone number was Thomas's number.

Elliott is a stand up guy and he is why I gave Kate a break. I know his in laws are causing them marital problems and what's wrong us that Ethan could care less about the triplets. He married the town slut who doesn't want children, but the fact is she can't have children. Rumors abound about mrs Ethan Kavanagh. She is still up to no good just like before her marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't divorced in the next year with a hefty divorce settlement. He deserves some retribution. Oh well his loss was my gain on Denise and our triplets. My family loves them unconditionally. They feel the same way about Denise. They are coming to Seattle to shake up the business world here. I laugh and Christian has said we should do more business together and a few charitable things as well. I ask him when he has time with ten children? He laughs and says in between eyelids drooping.

I made it to my due date and Dr James Greene delivered a set of very healthy twin boys. Thomas Jr. and Douglas Gideon Sawyer we're on time and healthy. Denise kept me company the last three months because we were both on bed rest. But she had one more baby than I did.

I gave birth to one girl and two boys. Charles Gideon, Steven Oliver and Violet Anastasia Cross. Gideon is very happy with our children and he  asks me if I want to stop giving birth to babies and is so he can get a vasectomy. We could adopt if we want more children. I look at like are we seriously talking about this right after I gave birth to three more children? Let's see how these babies are and go from there. He just realized that I am very hormonal and that it is a bad time to ask important questions.

I failed to think thing through on my questions at least Denise did. I visit Ireland and her babies. Security is very tight at the hospital now. We finally make it to our homes and Thomas takes Ireland to the new home and they have moved everything into it along with the new baby furniture. I hired people to complete the home with Elliott's help and hired nannies and mannies as well. Denise was on the phone with Ireland for an hour and she was very happy with the new home. Our home had nurseries already built in for triplets and our older triplets loved their new siblings even their sister.

I didn't even know that I was pregnant and I had stomach cramps and went to the ER they took me to labor and delivery and called mom and she called everyone else. Ella June Miller was born after some very sharp pains. She is a big girl. Weighs 8 pounds and is 22 inches long and hungry. Barney was a happy camper and this is our last baby and he is glad it is a girl. His mom is thrilled as well. She just doesn't age at all. Mom has even said that to her.

I love my children, but three of them are enough and I talk to Mia about this and she's not ready to make a decision on it until her hormones settle down. I understand that and let it go for now. Christian has ten children and he is worn out most of the time. Mia says it's not the kids wearing him out it's the sax with Anastasia. I can't listen to this lalala. Grace tells Mia to stop teasing me. My mom laughs and says well I am sure the sex is part of it, but ten children can run you to death.

I think Barney is scared to have more than three children and this one was a surprise for them both. It was a great surprise though and the baby is healthy. Mia thought she was getting fat so she ate less and exercised more and it wasn't working. until she hurt so bad they brought her to the ER. Her OB/ GYN delivered a healthy baby girl and a big hungry one at that.

I think Barney might be done having babies, but Mia has voiced her opinions about having three and adopting three children. I hope they talk about this a lot more. We are really looking forward to seeing how it works out. We would like six grandchildren adopted or natural.

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