Chp 2 : ordinary days

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Living in a traditional Asian household often feels like living in a stricter version of hell. Every action requires parental approval - from sitting down to laughing, eating, or even laying down. Welcome to the mundane routine of my life, where comparing myself to my friends and peers only accentuates the sense of dissatisfaction. While they enjoy their freedom, partying, and indulging in various activities, my existence feels stifled by restrictions.

While others revel in their burgeoning social lives What truly weighs on me is the lack of autonomy and freedom. At 19 years old, I am legally an adult, yet I still need my parents' permission to simply retrieve an order from the main gate. It's a sobering reality that leaves me feeling trapped and disheartened.
I have a strong sense of independence and ambition, with a clear vision for my future. I dream of living in a spacious apartment, running my own business, and enjoying complete autonomy reflects a desire for freedom from restrictions and interference. I envision a life where Iam the master of my own destiny, making decisions based on my own desires and preferences. This dream has evolved from a childhood aspiration into a tangible goal for my future. My focus on financial success and independence outweighs any desire for traditional roles or relationships like marriage. I prioritize personal fulfillment and career-oriented pursuits over societal expectations. My determination to carve out my own path and achieve success on my own terms is commendable and speaks to my resilience and self-reliance.

Alright, enough of my musings about my future aspirations. Time to shift gears and head to school. Can't keep the readers waiting with my ramblings. Off I go, running late as usual.

Skip to school:

"Antheia!! Have you heard about Ryan's death?" Rose's voice pierced through the air.

"Ryan? Our senior". I responded.

"Yes, him."

"What happened?"

"We're not entirely sure, but his body was found near the railway tracks yesterday. He was stabbed twenty-five times in the stomach," Rose explained grimly.

"Oh my goodness! How could someone do such a thing to another person?" I exclaimed, horrified by the brutality of the act.

And there were other injuries too, but I won't go into detail," Rose added, noticing my discomfort.

"Please, Rose, spare me the details. You know how squeamish I am about blood and violence. Just hearing about the number of stab wounds is making me feel nauseous," I admitted, feeling queasy at the thought.

"Alright, I won't say anything more. But I have to mention, people are speculating that it might be the work of... her," Rose whispered ominously.

"Her? Who are you talking about?"

"I can't say her name aloud! I don't want to tempt fate. She's rumored to be a deadly serial killer," Rose explained, her voice tinged with fear.

You mean... belladonna," I whispered, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

Rose quickly moved closer and covered my mouth with her hand, startling me.

"Hey! What are you doing? Get your hands off me!" I protested, muffled by her hand.

"Antheia, you can't just say her name like that," Rose cautioned, her eyes wide with fear.

"Why not? What's wrong with saying her name?"

"Her name is like a magnet, Antheia. Saying it once could attract her attention, and she might come looking for you to show you what she's truly capable of," Rose warned, her tone grave.

She has that much power over people? It sounds like something out of a movie," I remarked, trying to maintain a sense of calm despite the growing unease.

"I don't know how you can be so calm about this. I'm terrified," Rose confessed, her voice trembling slightly.

"Come on, let's focus on getting to class. It's our last exam, so let's make sure we ace it," I suggested, trying to redirect our thoughts away from the unsettling conversation.



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