Chp25: candlelight dinner

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We were eating breakfast in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the clinking of utensils and the occasional rustle of the newspaper Mom was reading. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the smell of toast and eggs, creating a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. I savored the moment, enjoying the simple pleasure of a quiet morning meal with my family.

Mom suddenly broke the silence with an announcement.

"I need to hurry,"

she said, her voice filled with urgency.

"I have an important meeting today."

She took a final sip of her coffee, glanced at the clock on the wall, and quickly gathered her things.

As she stood up, she gave us a quick, reassuring smile.

"I'll see you both later,"

she said, her tone softer now.

"Have a great day."

Antheia and I watched as she left the house, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor. The front door closed with a gentle thud, and suddenly, it was just the two of us sitting at the dining table.

I looked at Antheia and shrugged, her eyes still half-asleep.

"Guess it's just us now,"

I said, reaching for another piece of toast.

She nodded, feeling the quiet settle back in. We continued our breakfast, the sense of routine and normalcy slowly returning. Despite the rush, it was comforting to know that some things never changed: the morning rituals, the shared moments, and the silent understanding between us.

After a few minutes, I decided to break the silence.

"So, what are your plans for today?"

I asked Antheia, curious about how she intended to spend her day.

She paused, considering my question as she chewed her toast.

"Not much, really,"

"how about we go for a walk in the nearby park later? The weather is supposed to be great today, and it could be a good way to relax ".

Antheia's face lit up at the suggestion.

"That sounds like a great idea,"

she said, her enthusiasm evident.

"I could use some fresh air and a change of scenery."


I replied, feeling a sense of anticipation for our little outing.

"Let's finish up here and get ready. A walk in the park sounds like the perfect way to start the day."

With that, we both focused on finishing our breakfast, the prospect of our walk adding a touch of excitement to the otherwise ordinary morning.

We both cleared the table and headed back to our rooms to change our clothes. I went to my closet and rummaged through my clothes, finally opting for a crisp white button-up shirt. The sleeves were casually rolled up to reveal my forearms, a detail I always liked for its relaxed yet put-together look. I paired the shirt with well-fitted jeans, perfectly suited for our planned walk around the city.

Satisfied with my outfit, I glanced in the mirror, appreciating the simplicity and comfort of my choice. I could hear Antheia moving around in her room, likely going through a similar process. I smiled to myself, looking forward to our time together outside, away from the usual routines and responsibilities.

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