Chp10: flirt much?

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But Wooyoung was quick, and soon enough, I felt his hand close around my wrist, pulling me to a stop. I turned to face him, breathless and exhilarated, a wide grin spreading across my face as I met his gaze.

For a moment, we stood there, both of us catching our breath, the playful energy between us palpable in the air. And then, with a playful glint in his eye, Wooyoung leaned in close, his lips curving into a smirk.

"Caught you," he whispered, his voice low and teasing, sending a shiver down my spine.

I ran to the garden and grabbed the water hose, unleashing a torrent of water in Wooyoung's direction. The food was forgotten as we engaged in a playful water fight, exchanging cute squeals and laughter. Two high schoolers lost in the joy of the moment, creating memories together. It was the perfect way to cool off on a summer day. Eventually, the water in the hose ran out, and I couldn't resist drenching Wooyoung one last time before he pleaded for mercy. After turning off the tap, we collapsed onto the grass, still giggling uncontrollably, enjoying each other's company.

"It was refreshing to be honest".

"It was".

"So this was the food you were feeding me?"

"Ahh right the food!".

"Well if this is how you'll make food for me everyday i ain't complaining"

"It's a special food with secret ingredient, ask me to make anytime".

"You're really something else".

I rose to my feet and reached out my hand to Wooyoung, who accepted it gladly. As he headed to the kitchen, I made my way upstairs to my room to change since we were both completely soaked. I swapped my wet clothes for a black hoodie and jeans, then returned downstairs with an extra extra large hoodie for Wooyoung.

"Wooyoung, here, take this."

"What's this for?"

"It's mine, but it's extra extra large so it should fit you. Plus, it's really comfy."


As I handed him my hoodie, he casually removed his already see-through white t-shirt right in front of me. I couldn't help but feel flustered as I caught sight of his toned abs. I never imagined him to be this muscular. He always wore those baggy hoodies to conceal his perfect, to-die-for body. And with the sunlight streaming in, casting golden rays directly onto his perfect abs and those captivating honey eyes, he looked absolutely stunning. His wet, messy hair only added to his allure. In that moment, he was perfect. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. Is this what they mean by the feeling of love?

Wooyoung's pov:

We came inside after having the most amazing water fight of my life. I'll cherish that moment forever. As I headed towards the kitchen to reheat the food when I heard her calling my name. I turned around to find that she had already changed out of her wet clothes. She extended a gray hoodie towards me, saying it was an extra large size that she loves to wear and that it would fit me. Without much thought, I took off my t-shirt and started changing into the hoodie she gave me. Well, the white t-shirt I was wearing before was all wet and see-through anyway, so it didn't matter. But Antheia seemed to get lost in the moment once again. She was staring at me, not just staring but with an adoring expression. She looked flustered, and being the tease that I am, I snapped my fingers in front of her to get her attention.

"Am I that handsome, darling?" I teased.

She looked shocked for a moment, then cleared her throat and looked away. "What are you even saying?" she replied, trying to deflect.

"Just noticing how people stare at me with such a cute expression and then get lost," I continued with a grin.

"You flatter yourself too much, Mr. Jung Wooyoung," she retorted, trying to play it cool.

I gently placed my fingers under her chin, guiding her to face me. "Ah, really? Then why is someone avoiding eye contact?" I teased.

She couldn't say anything at first, just looking at me. Eventually, she spoke up. "And what if I was? Can't I?"

I wasn't expecting that response. We were incredibly close to each other, and I felt my heart racing. Gulping down my nervousness, I managed to say, "You can!"

She giggled, and in that moment, I couldn't help but smile even wider than usual. Today was turning out to be unexpectedly wonderful.

I headed to the freezer to fetch the strawberries while she settled in front of the television. Tonight was shaping up to be unexpectedly delightful.

Author's pov:

As Wooyoung skillfully prepared dinner in the kitchen, Antheia scrolled through the movie options, her mind wandering amidst the hues of the sunset outside. The colors painted across the sky seemed to mirror the conflicting emotions within her. Despite the chaos that often filled her life, moments like these brought a sense of tranquility that she cherished deeply.

She had once believed in the healing power of time, but as life unfolded, she realized it was merely a facade. The scars of her past lingered, a constant reminder of the pain she had endured. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there were glimmers of hope, like the peaceful atmosphere enveloping her home tonight.

With each passing moment, Antheia found solace in the simple joys of life, a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is beauty to be found.



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happy yuyu day to y'all <3

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