Chp22: walk?

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I woke up slowly, taking a moment to get my bearings in the unfamiliar room at Wooyoung's house. The soft, early morning light streamed through the sheer, white curtains, casting a warm, golden glow that made the room feel welcoming and serene. I took in the surroundings, noting the soft black walls that were soothing to the eye, and the delicate floral patterns on the bedspread that added a touch of elegance.

The bed was surprisingly comfortable, with a quilted white comforter that felt like a gentle embrace. The pillows were plump and soft, a stark contrast to the worn ones I had left behind. Beside the bed was a small wooden nightstand, its surface home to a charming lamp with a cream-colored shade. A few framed photographs decorated the walls, capturing moments of joy and laughter that seemed to belong to a happy family.

I had been worried that I wouldn't get any sleep. Typically, I find it hard to rest in an unfamiliar environment, especially without my own pillow and bed. But to my surprise, I had a great night's sleep. Maybe it was the comfortable mattress, the cozy atmosphere, or perhaps the sense of safety I felt in Wooyoung's home. The room was quiet, with only the faintest sounds of the house settling and the occasional rustle of leaves outside the window.

I stretched luxuriously, feeling well-rested and at ease. The air was cool but not cold, a perfect balance that made staying under the covers feel just right. The scent of fresh linen lingered in the room, adding to the sense of cleanliness and calm. I realized that sometimes, a change of scenery can be a good thing, bringing with it unexpected comfort and restfulness.

As I lay there, I felt grateful for the warm hospitality and the peaceful night I had enjoyed. Wooyoung's house was quickly becoming a place where I felt at home, a safe haven where I could relax and recharge. It was a new beginning, and I looked forward to discovering more about this place and the people who lived here.

I stretched my arms luxuriously, feeling the pleasant tug of muscles waking up after a restful night. Reluctantly, I pushed back the cozy comforter and swung my legs over the side of the bed, feeling the soft, cool touch of the wooden floor beneath my feet.

I made my way towards the bathroom, appreciating the thoughtful touches that Wooyoung had put into his home. The hallway leading to the bathroom was lined with more family photos, each one a glimpse into cherished memories. The bathroom itself was small but impeccably clean, with pristine white tiles and a large mirror above the sink.

I turned on the shower, and soon the room was filled with the sound of water cascading down, creating a gentle, soothing ambiance. As I stepped under the cold spray, I felt the tension of the previous day wash away, replaced by a renewed sense of energy. The shower was invigorating, the water pressure just right, and the scent of the lavender body wash was calming.

After the shower, I wrapped myself in a soft, fluffy towel and proceeded with my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, the minty freshness waking me up further, and then combed my hair, enjoying the simple, familiar motions. There was a small potted plant on the bathroom windowsill, adding a touch of greenery and life to the space, which made me smile.

Feeling refreshed and ready for the day, I took a moment to appreciate the quiet solitude of the morning. The house was still, with only the faintest sounds of movement from downstairs. It was a peaceful start to what I hoped would be a wonderful day in this new place.

I stepped out of the room, the wooden floor cool under my feet, and made my way downstairs. The house was quiet, with soft morning light filtering through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the walls adorned with family photos and paintings.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was greeted by the warm, inviting scent of freshly brewed coffee and something delicious cooking. I found Wooyoung's mom in the living room, her friendly smile instantly making me feel at home.

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