Chp13: belladonna

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When we must end someone's life, the intimacy of being so close that we see our own reflection in their eyes before striking adds an electrifying thrill. The emotions coursing through me in that moment are indescribable, akin to the hunger of years finally satiated at a grand feast.

Witnessing the horror, the desperation in their eyes, and the cascade of tears brings me immense satisfaction. There's a profound fascination in observing the final moments etched on someone's face as life slips away. The merging of shock and fear creates a strangely captivating emotion, exhilarating and entertaining to behold. Their pleas for mercy, their willingness to do anything to survive, and the ultimate surrender of not just their body but their very essence, it's all part of the exhilarating spectacle. Don't you find it utterly enthralling?

"Take a good look at yourself, reduced to begging on your knees for a glimmer of mercy,"

her chilling laughter echoed ominously, filling the room with an eerie resonance.

"How the tables have turned. Where are your comrades now?Those who once boasted threats against me, now find themselves ensnared within my grasp."

With a sinister smirk, she observed the captive before her, contemplating the frailty of humanity.


she mused with a mixture of disdain,

"such a peculiar breed. Utterly devoid of gratitude, consumed by their own egos. They strut through life as if the cosmos were crafted solely for their benefit. But they fail to comprehend; it is I who reigns supreme in this realm, is my domain, my playground. Here, I dictate outcomes, the orchestrator of fate. It is my whims that dictate the course of events."

Gazing upon the bound figure before her, she continued with a chilling certainty,

"In this realm of mine, those fortunate enough to earn my favor shall find salvation. But for those who dare to defy me, they shall bear witness to the full extent of my wrath, bound to this chair as they endure the consequences of their folly."

"I prefer to think of myself as creatively inclined,"

she retorted casually to the accusation of being a psychopath.

"What's so inherently wrong about it anyway? While you can engage in all manner of illegal activities, I'm not even allowed to make threats, let alone commit murder."

Spread out before him, bathed in the harsh light of the room, were not one, but three drilling machines, their metallic frames gleaming ominously as they stood in formation, poised to pierce his stomach with ruthless efficiency.

"I've extended to you numerous chances,"

she remarked, her tone tinged with a blend of exasperation and disappointment.

"Yet time and again, you've chosen to ignore my directives. I've sent a multitude of letters, each one a desperate plea for compliance. I've littered the path with signs, each one a beacon of warning. But despite it all, you've steered yourself towards this inevitable conclusion."

"We could have engaged in dialogue, couldn't we?"

he pleaded desperately.

"The time for negotiations has passed,"

she snapped back, her patience worn thin.

"Can't you comprehend what I've just stated? Nothing irks me more than having to repeat myself."

With a swift motion, she seized his hair, eliciting a sharp cry of agony from him.

"That's it,"

she declared coldly, her voice dripping with malice.

"Scream all you want, but there's no one here to rescue you. No one except me. You dared to challenge me, and now you'll witness the consequences of your actions."

Releasing his hair with a sharp jerk, she flicked the switch on the drill machine, the mechanical whir filling the room with a palpable tension.

her voice dripped with chilling finality, devoid of any remorse.

"Perhaps we'll reunite in the fiery depths, but for now, savor my rendition of agony. As this drill bores into your stomach, it will mercilessly tear through your intestines."

Her gaze lingered on the corner of the room, where a Kangal dog lay nestled in peaceful slumber.

"Take note of that dog,"

she remarked, her tone carrying a sinister edge.

"It's a Kangal, famed for its mighty bite force of 743 PSI, unmatched by any other breed. Make so much as a whimper, and it will awaken, ready to rend you limb from limb. Remain silent, and your torment will stretch until dawn claims you."

With one final yank, I grasped his hair, locking eyes with him as fear coursed through his veins, evident in the widening of his eyes.

Growing impatient with the monotony, I accelerated the machine, eager to witness his suffering. As the first drill bore into his stomach, a surge of gratification washed over me, a sinister smile curling my lips. I relished the sight of his agony.

"You believe yourself to be any different from me?"

I taunted, my voice dripping with malice.

His response was feeble, laden with desperation.

"You're also snuffing out a life," he croaked.

"You're correct,"

I acknowledged, my tone chillingly matter-of-fact.

"But the distinction lies in my acknowledgment of your impending demise, whereas you continue to delude yourself."

Leaving him bound and vulnerable, I eagerly anticipated the impending dawn, knowing that with it would come the unveiling of my handiwork on every news channel. The anticipation sent shivers of excitement down my spine. There's an intoxicating allure to fame, a thrill in knowing that the world would soon be fixated on my actions. Yet, amidst the clamor for my identity, there remained an impenetrable veil of secrecy. No one could ascertain my true name or face, and that clandestine anonymity only served to heighten the public's fascination.

As I pondered the paradox of fame, a dark laughter bubbled up from within me. Yes, being renowned was undeniably challenging, but it was also an intoxicating game. Everyone clamored for a piece of me, yet none could penetrate the fortress of secrecy I had meticulously constructed around myself. I reveled in the knowledge that I remained hidden within the shadows, a phantom whose true essence eluded even the most determined seekers. Why? Because innocence possesses a deceptive power, capable of ensnaring the most unsuspecting souls in its web of deceit.

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