Chp15: old crush

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After retrieving my phone from Wooyoung, I hurried out of his room as quickly as possible. I'm not sure what this sensation is, but whenever I'm with him, I find myself smiling uncontrollably. My heart races, and I feel completely at ease. There's no need for pretense or acting-I can just be myself, the real me, in his presence. It's both exhilarating and soothing. No one else has ever made me feel this comfortable. With everyone else, it's always about putting on a facade. Our friendly banter is something I cherish-it's endearing and fills me with a sense of joy, like my inner child is always giggling.

As I entered my house, wearing a grin that I couldn't seem to shake off, I knew my family would inquire about it. In a quick attempt to deflect their curiosity, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind:

"Oh, I just saw the most adorable puppy in the neighborhood!"

I mean, really, Antheia, a puppy? That was the best excuse I could conjure up on the spot? I chided myself for the lack of creativity. But then again, they'll buy it without hesitation-they're well aware of my unwavering adoration for dogs.

I have a deep affection for dogs and dream of having one as a pet, but I understand that in my Asian household, the moment I bring a puppy home, I might as well pack my bags because I'll likely be out on the street along with the dog. Such are the norms of our cultural upbringing.

As I ascended the stairs to my room, I couldn't shake off what Wooyoung had said. As I lay on my bed, scrolling through my phone, his words echoed in my mind:

"Glad to know so much about me through your phone."

I opened my gallery and began perusing my pictures. There weren't many of myself, as I've never been keen on the idea of taking selfies. I'm not fond of how I look in photos, particularly my eyes, so I stopped taking pictures of myself altogether. Instead, my gallery is always brimming with K-pop videos.

Suddenly, it dawned on me-I have my Notes app! I hope he didn't go through it. Oh God, if he did, I'm in serious trouble.

I've never confided this to anyone before, but yeah, I used to have a slight crush on Wooyoung. And although he might not remember, we did have a brief interaction back in middle school. It was just once, but it held significant meaning for me. I remember vividly-it was the first time I laid eyes on him. He arrived late to class, looking like he had just rolled out of bed and rushed to school. The teacher instructed him to sit next to me, and that moment has stayed with me ever since.

His hair was tousled, but it somehow enhanced his appeal, rendering him even more attractive in that casual, just-rolled-out-of-bed look. When he realized he'd forgotten his stationery, he borrowed a pen from me. It was a first for me-I couldn't focus on the lecture, my attention wholly captivated by the presence of this intriguing individual beside me.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the lecture, he neatly stowed his books in his bag and sauntered off to rearrange chairs with his friends. I recall seizing every opportunity to catch glimpses of him whenever I could. Whether it was in the cafeteria, surrounded by his expansive circle of friends, he always stood out. His group was the largest and most vibrant, much like it is now in high school. He's consistently been the social butterfly, the life force of the group.

I remember watching girls practically drool over him, eagerly betting on whether he would befriend them or if they could muster up the courage to ask him out. It stung a little, witnessing their boldness in approaching him, while I remained relegated to the corner, silently admiring him from afar. It was the epitome of unrequited love, a perfect snapshot of my one-sided affection.

Wooyoung has always been an exceptional basketball player, and the real excitement would unfold during basketball competitions. His locker, desk, and bag would be inundated with gifts and love letters from admirers.

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