Chp24: she will live in my house!?

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I was lounging in the living room with my mom, the warm glow of the evening sun casting a cozy light across the space. We were immersed in a friendly competition over a board game. I had just moved my piece, strategically planning my next move, when the familiar ring of her phone interrupted our game.

My mom picked up her phone, and I saw the caller ID flash: it was Antheia's mother. She answered with a cheerful, "Hello!" and I could hear the faint voice on the other end, although I couldn't make out the words. I tried to focus on the game, but my curiosity got the best of me. I couldn't help but wonder what news was coming our way. Antheia and her family were always full of surprises, and I was dying to know the latest.

As my mom chatted away, I observed her expressions, hoping to catch some hint of the conversation. Her face lit up with a smile, and she laughed softly at something Antheia's mother said. I could feel the suspense building inside me. What could it be? A new adventure they had gone on? Some juicy gossip from the neighborhood? Maybe even plans for a big event or a party?

I tried to keep myself occupied, rearranging the game pieces and pretending to strategize my next move, but my mind was racing. My mom's occasional nods and 'mm-hmms' only heightened my anticipation. I was practically on the edge of my seat, waiting for the moment she would finally hang up and share the news with me.

After what felt like an eternity, she ended the call. She put her phone down and turned to me, a twinkle in her eye. I couldn't contain myself any longer.

"So, what's the tea?"

I blurted out, my impatience evident.

She chuckled at my eagerness and began to spill the details. I leaned in, ready to soak up every bit of the exciting news, my earlier distraction completely forgotten.

"Antheia's family is going on a business trip,"

she started.

"There's been a serious issue with their business, and they need to address it urgently. Her parents have asked if she can stay with us while they sort things out."

My eyes widened with excitement. Antheia staying with us? This was going to be interesting.

"How long will she be staying?"

I asked, already thinking about all the fun things we could do together.

My mom shrugged, her expression turning a bit more serious.

"The duration isn't confirmed yet. It could be a few days or even months. It depends on how long it takes to resolve the issue."

I couldn't help but feel the excitement bubbling up inside me from the evening when Mom announced that Antheia would be living with us. Since then, I have been tossing and turning in bed, my mind consumed with thoughts of her staying at our house starting tomorrow.

Visions of late-night chats, spontaneous adventures, and shared secrets danced through my head. I imagined us watching our favorite movies, having long conversations about everything and nothing, and making the most of her stay. The idea of having her around all the time was thrilling. I kept picturing how we'd decorate her room together, plan our days, and make the most of this unexpected opportunity.

Every time I closed my eyes, another idea would pop up, keeping sleep at bay. My excitement was a whirlwind that wouldn't let me rest. I couldn't wait for the morning to come, to welcome Antheia into our home and embark on this new chapter together.

I woke up as my alarm went off. I didn't even remember when I had finally dozed off last night. Groggily, I got up from my bed and started my morning routine, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

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