Chp32: the USB!?

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The video finally came to an end, the screen fading to black. I let out a shaky breath, my heart racing wildly in my chest. But just as I thought it was over, a small text appeared in the center of the screen, taunting and sinister:

See you in the next video. Until then, take care, my dear <3”

My throat tightened as the words lingered, the implication chilling me to my core. It felt like a final warning, a promise that this was only the beginning. I glanced at Wooyoung, and the horror in his eyes mirrored my own.

What does this mean?”

I whispered, my voice trembling.

He shook his head, speechless, as the weight of the message settled heavily between us. I could hardly process it all—the brutal images we had just witnessed, the implications behind her words, and the sinister way she had addressed me as “my dear.”

What… what do we do now?”

I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. The feeling of dread clawed at my insides, gnawing at my sanity. It was all too much to bear.

I don’t know,”

Wooyoung replied, his voice low but steady.

But we need to figure out who she is and what she wants. We can’t let this continue.”

I nodded, though uncertainty flooded my mind. How could we possibly confront someone so dangerous, someone who had already harmed so many? The thought of facing her sent a fresh wave of panic through me.

Wooyoung turned back to the laptop, determination flickering in his eyes.

Let’s look for clues. There has to be something here that can help us,”

he said, his tone resolute.

As he navigated through the video files and folders on the USB, I felt a mixture of fear and hope. Perhaps we could uncover more about this woman, this belladonna, and understand her motives. But deep down, a part of me knew that whatever we found could change everything—putting us both in danger.

What was that?”

I finally managed to voice, the question escaping my lips like a gasp. My heart raced, and I felt a shiver run down my spine as the reality of what we had just witnessed settled over me like a heavy blanket.

Wooyoung turned to me, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

I don’t know,”

he replied, running a hand through his hair, a gesture I recognized as a sign of his own frustration.

But it’s clear she’s serious. This isn’t just some random act; she has a plan. And we’re part of it.”

I felt a wave of nausea at his words. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on my chest, and I struggled to comprehend the depth of her intentions.

What does she want from us?”

I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Maybe she wants to scare you,”

Wooyoung suggested, his brows furrowed in thought.

Or maybe she’s trying to send a message. Either way, it feels personal.”

I shivered at the thought, a chill creeping through me.

But why me? I’ve never done anything to her. I don’t even know her!”

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