Chp 9: babysitter!??

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As the woman's footsteps drew nearer, her humming filled the air, sending shivers down my spine. I strained to place the melody, searching my memory for any clue to her identity. But before I could turn to face her, another sound shattered the silence-a voice calling out to me.

Suddenly, I was bathed in sunlight, the warmth of its rays washing over me as if to banish the darkness of the nightmare. Blinking in confusion, I found myself back in my bed, my heart racing and my body drenched in sweat.

It took me a moment to realize it had all been a dream-a terrifying, surreal journey into the depths of my worst fears. But even as I tried to shake off the lingering sense of dread, one question remained: had it all been just a figment of my imagination, or a glimpse into a future too terrifying to contemplate?

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I glanced at the purple muffin on my bedside table. Despite my turbulent emotions, the sight brought a small smile to my face. It was a familiar gesture from my parents-a silent apology for their earlier behavior.

I reached for the muffin, savoring the sweet aroma of blueberries as I took a bite. Despite my usual aversion to the fruit, there was something comforting about the taste, something that reminded me of home and the simple pleasures in life.

As I enjoyed the muffin, I couldn't help but reflect on the quirks of my own food preferences. It was true-I had my own unique tastes, ones that might seem strange to others but felt perfectly natural to me. And in that moment, surrounded by the familiar comfort of my room and the delicious treat in my hand, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Perhaps, despite the challenges I faced, everything would turn out okay in the end.

After enjoying the muffin, I proceeded with my morning rituals, opting for a refreshing cold shower and selecting my favorite attire: black jeans paired with a crisp white shirt. As I tidied up my room, I noticed a sticky note beside the muffin, a rare occurrence in our household. Curious, I read the message from my parents, expressing their unwavering support and urging me to always find happiness.

Their words warmed my heart, reminding me of the love and care that surrounded me. Despite any disagreements or strictness, their gestures never failed to make me feel cherished. I couldn't help but smile at their note, feeling a sense of gratitude for their presence in my life.

As I contemplated their message, my phone buzzed with a notification, breaking the tranquility of the moment. It was a message from Wooyoung, a welcome surprise that added an unexpected twist to the morning. His message brought a smile to my face, sparking anticipation for what the day might bring.

In that moment, I realized the beauty of life's simple joys and the power of unexpected surprises to brighten our days. With a renewed sense of appreciation, I looked forward to whatever the day had in store, ready to embrace each moment with gratitude and optimism.

As I descended the stairs, a wave of surprise washed over me at the sight of Wooyoung sitting in the living room with my parents. Questions flooded my mind, but I struggled to voice them as my parents explained the situation.

Apparently, they were heading out with my sisters for some business-related errands, leaving me alone at home. Concerned about my safety, they had arranged for Wooyoung to stay and assist me in their absence. While their intentions were undoubtedly well-meaning, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and disbelief.

I reluctantly accepted their decision, unable to argue against their concern for my well-being. Yet, deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling of being treated like a child despite being nineteen years old. It was a stark reminder of the lack of autonomy I felt within my own home.

As my parents bid their farewells and left, I found myself alone in the company of Wooyoung, pondering the unexpected turn of events and grappling with a sense of indignation.

"Wooyoung dear we are leaving take care of her".

"Don't worry Aunt, I will".

They left the house leaving me alone with him.

Wooyoung, sensing my resistance, backed away slightly, his expression shifting to one of concern. "I understand your frustration, Antheia," he said softly, his voice laced with empathy. "But sometimes, parents have their own way of showing love, even if it may not seem like it to us."

I shook my head, feeling a surge of pent-up emotions rising within me. "It's not about love, Wooyoung," I insisted, my voice trembling with intensity. "It's about control. They treat me like I'm incapable of taking care of myself, like I'm still a child. I can't breathe in this suffocating environment."

Wooyoung's gaze softened, and he reached out a hand in a gesture of comfort. "I understand, Antheia," he said gently. "But pushing me away won't solve anything. Let me be here for you, even if it's just to listen."

I hesitated, feeling torn between my desire for solitude and my need for someone to understand. Finally, I relented, allowing Wooyoung to draw me into a comforting embrace. As I buried my face against his shoulder, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I wasn't alone in facing the challenges of my family dynamics.

As Wooyoung busied himself in the kitchen, I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. The way he moved with such ease and confidence, the way his muscles flexed beneath his shirt as he worked - it was captivating. I found myself mesmerized by his every movement, unable to look away.

He rolled up his sleeves, revealing strong, sinewy arms, and I felt my cheeks flush at the sight. There was something undeniably attractive about the way he carried himself, a quiet confidence that drew me in.

Before I knew it, he had donned an apron and was expertly navigating the kitchen, effortlessly flipping ingredients in the frying pan. I was entranced by the way he moved, each motion deliberate and precise, as if he were conducting a symphony of flavors.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when he snapped his fingers in front of me, breaking me out of my reverie. Startled, I blinked and refocused my attention on him, feeling a rush of embarrassment at being caught staring.

Caught off guard by his sudden interruption, I struggled to find my words as he turned his gaze towards me, a playful smirk playing on his lips.

As Wooyoung teased me, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, betraying my attempt at nonchalance. His playful banter had a way of disarming me, leaving me feeling more exposed than I cared to admit.

I swatted at him half-heartedly, trying to mask my embarrassment with a feigned air of annoyance. But deep down, I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement his words stirred within me.

With a mischievous grin, he continued to poke fun at me, his teasing tone only serving to deepen my blush. I tried to deflect his playful jabs, but his charm was impossible to resist.

Caught off guard by his relentless teasing, I found myself at a loss for words, my mind racing to come up with a witty retort. But in that moment, all I could do was laugh and play along, secretly relishing the lighthearted exchange between us.

"You're really something else, so then was it because of darling".

"Broo, you think that small word can make me go all pink pink and shy, you can't battle with me I'm the biggest flirt".

"Heyyy! Don't bro zone me?"

"Whyy... bro?"

As I threw a handful of water at Wooyoung, he yelped in surprise, his expression a mixture of shock and amusement. Without waiting for his reaction, I bolted from the kitchen, laughter bubbling up inside me as I heard him call out my name in protest.


His voice echoed behind me as he gave chase, his footsteps closing in fast. I raced through the house, the thrill of the chase fueling my adrenaline as I darted around corners and through doorways, determined to stay one step ahead.

I never realised just how much I unknowing smile when Iam with him. It's amazing how much joy and light Wooyoung has brought into my life, even in such a short time. He's like a blossom of happiness, always making me smile without even trying. Teasing him is incredibly fun, and seeing his reactions is even more enjoyable. I'm grateful for his presence in my life and for the happiness he brings.

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