Chp34: my pov

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It's been weeks since Wooyoung and I started searching through the streets and crime scenes, tirelessly combing through every location connected to the case. We've been talking to countless people, asking questions, trying to piece together any information that could lead us to something useful. Every clue we uncover, no matter how small, we carefully compare with Belladonna's case files, hoping for a match or some breakthrough. It's exhausting, but we're determined to find answers. The late nights, the dead ends, none of it has shaken our focus. We're getting closer, I can feel it, even if the pieces still don't fit perfectly yet

Amidst all the searching, Wooyoung has been such a solid presence in my life, more than I could've ever expected. He's been a great friend-always there when I need him, whether it's late at night when exhaustion hits, or in those moments when I feel like we're chasing a ghost with no leads. He never complains, never wavers, always encouraging me to keep going. Sometimes, I catch him looking at me when he thinks I don't notice, and in those moments, I can't help but wonder-are we really just friends? Or is there something deeper growing between us?

I feel it more every day-the subtle gestures, the way we instinctively understand each other without needing to say much. The way he makes me laugh when everything feels like it's falling apart. And the way my heart speeds up when our shoulders brush, even in the midst of chaos. It's becoming harder to ignore, but I know now isn't the time to explore whatever this might be. There's too much on the line, and I need to focus on clearing up this mess in my life first. The case, the sleepless nights, the unanswered questions-they all need to be dealt with before I can even begin to untangle the connection growing between Wooyoung and me.

But part of me wonders what will happen when this is all over. When we no longer have crime scenes to search and leads to chase. Will we talk about the chemistry that's been building between us, or will we pretend it's nothing? I don't have the answers right now, but one thing is for sure-once this case is wrapped up, I'll need to confront what's been simmering between us, because ignoring it won't be an option forever.

Talking about my long-lost family still brings up a mix of emotions. It's strange to think about how distant we've become, especially since they used to mean everything to me. Now, the only contact we have is a phone call every Saturday-just enough to check in and make sure I'm still alive, but it feels more like a routine than real concern. They're always so busy with their business abroad, wrapped up in meetings and deals, that they've practically abandoned me here. I know they don't mean to, but it's hard not to feel like I'm an afterthought in their lives.

Wooyoung's family has taken me in like one of their own. They've shown me more care than my own parents in recent years. Wooyoung's mom makes sure I have dinner on the table, always asking me about my day as if she genuinely wants to know how I'm doing. It's comforting, but at the same time, it reminds me of what I'm missing. My family has their reasons, I get that, but it doesn't make the loneliness any easier. It's like they've chosen their success over me, leaving me to fend for myself, except now, I'm not really alone-I have Wooyoung and his family.

Still, it's a strange feeling, being so disconnected from the people who are supposed to be closest to me. I wonder if they even realize how much I've changed, or how much of my life they've missed. Part of me feels angry, but another part just wants to finish this chapter of my life and figure out where I really stand with them. For now, I'm grateful for Wooyoung and his family, but deep down, I know I'll have to confront my own family someday.

What really makes me sad is that I've been living with Wooyoung's family for quite some time now, and not once have my parents or sisters called me on a Saturday just to ask if I'm okay. Not once have they asked if I'm eating well, or if I'm feeling alright, or shown any kind of genuine concern for me. Every call they make is just to lecture me, to remind me that their guards and men are always watching me, even from across the world. It's as if they only reach out to keep me in check, not because they actually care.

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