Chp21: new house!?

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As the shrill sound of the alarm pierced through the peaceful morning air, my heart sank. The day I had been dreading, the one I had hoped would never come, had arrived with unwelcome certainty. With a heavy sigh, I reached out to silence the persistent beeping, the weight of impending responsibilities settling heavily on my shoulders.

With a cranky attitude born of sleepless nights and restless dreams, I pushed aside the warmth of my blanket, the soft fabric protesting as it was flung haphazardly to the side. It twisted and turned in the air before landing unceremoniously on the floor, a crumpled heap of forgotten comfort.

As I lay there, disheveled and disoriented, I ran a hand through my tangled hair, attempting to push back the unruly strands that had fallen across my face. My frustration simmered just beneath the surface, mingling with a potent cocktail of anger and exhaustion. It was as if every emotion I had ever felt was bubbling up inside me, threatening to overflow at any moment.

I didn't want to leave the sanctuary of my bed, the cocoon of warmth and safety that had sheltered me through countless nights of turmoil. But the world outside beckoned, its demands relentless and unforgiving. With an annoyed grimace, I forced myself to sit up, the weight of the day pressing down on me like a leaden cloak.

Dragging myself to my feet, I stumbled towards the bathroom, the cool tiles sending shivers up my spine as I crossed the threshold. With each step, I could feel the weight of the day bearing down on me, a heavy burden I was forced to carry whether I wanted to or not.

My morning routine passed in a blur of half-hearted gestures and mechanical movements, the monotony of it all only serving to deepen my sense of despair. I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the fatigue and frustration that clung to me like a second skin. But the water offered no solace, no relief from the relentless march of time.

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation wash over me. The day ahead stretched out before me like an endless expanse of barren desert, devoid of hope or possibility. But still, I knew I had to face it, to soldier on in spite of the overwhelming odds stacked against me.

With a heavy heart and a weary soul, I braced myself for the challenges that lay ahead. The day may have dawned with unwelcome certainty, but I refused to let it break me. No matter how daunting the task, no matter how insurmountable the obstacles, I would find a way to persevere. It was the only choice I had.

I descended the staircase, drawn by the sound of my mother calling my name with an unusual vigor. Her voice echoed through the house, beckoning me to join her for breakfast. As I reached the kitchen, I was greeted by a surprising sight: the table was impeccably set, with a delicious spread already laid out. There were fluffy pancakes stacked high, crispy eggs sizzling, fresh fruit glistening, and a pot of steaming coffee.

It was a rare sight indeed. Typically, I would be summoned to assist with the morning preparations, chopping vegetables or setting the table. But today, everything was done, and my mother hadn't asked for any help at all. I couldn't help but wonder about the change. Was she in an exceptionally good mood today? Or was it just a rare break from her usual, sometimes cranky demeanor?

Her cheerful disposition caught me off guard, making me smile despite my curiosity. Perhaps today would be different, a day filled with unexpected pleasantries. I sat down at the table, savoring the aroma of the breakfast feast, and prepared to enjoy whatever had brought about this delightful change.

But I was wrong. Good things never enter my life this easily. I always have to pay for them. My good things always come with a price, and sitting at this dining table soon revealed the reason why.

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