Chp26: blueberry muffins

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I woke up to the delightful aroma of blueberries wafting through the house. The scent was so inviting that it pulled me out of my slumber. Without bothering to fix my hair, I groggily rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs. As I reached the bottom, I was abruptly stopped by bumping into a solid chest.

Startled, I looked up and saw Wooyoung grinning down at me with his signature mischievous smile. That grin was enough to make me realize my mistake: I was no longer in my own house but living with him now. The realization hit me just as hard as our collision. Embarrassment flooded my cheeks as I stood there, disheveled and still half-asleep, in front of Wooyoung.

Despite my initial annoyance, I couldn't help but smile back at him. His playful expression always had a way of melting my irritation. I chuckled softly, remembering how I had rolled straight out of bed and hurried downstairs without a second thought. This was going to be an interesting morning, I thought to myself as I brushed past him and headed toward the kitchen, curious about the blueberry surprise that awaited.

I entered the kitchen, greeting Wooyoung's mother with a warm smile. The mouth-watering aroma of blueberries was even stronger here, making my stomach rumble in anticipation.

"Good morning! What smells so delicious?"

I asked, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

The kitchen was filled with an array of mouth-watering treats spread out on numerous trays. Blueberry muffins, scones, pastries, and more-it was a feast for the senses. I couldn't help but wonder if they were expecting company.

"Is someone coming over?"

I inquired, curiosity piqued.

Wooyoung's mother laughed softly and shook her head.

"No, dear, these aren't for us,"

she explained with a smile.

"I run a small bakery as a side business, and these are all orders that need to be delivered today."

I was surprised but also impressed.

"Wow, that's amazing! I had no idea you were so talented,"

I said, admiration clear in my voice. It all made sense now, the heavenly smells and the sheer number of baked goods. As I stood there, taking it all in, I felt a deep sense of admiration for her dedication and skill. This was going to be a day full of new experiences, and I was eager to see what else it had in store.

As I stood there admiring the array of treats, Wooyoung entered the kitchen. He walked over to one of the trays and picked up a blueberry muffin. With that same mischievous smile, he handed it to me.

"Here, I know you love these,"

he said casually.

I was taken aback.

"How do you know that?"

I asked, genuinely surprised.

Wooyoung chuckled softly.

"I pay attention,"

he replied with a wink. His words left me both flattered and a little flustered. I took the muffin from him, feeling a warm sensation in my chest. It was a simple gesture, but it meant so much more knowing that he had noticed this small detail about me.

As I bit into the muffin, a strange feeling washed over me. The taste was oddly familiar, like a distant memory tugging at the edges of my mind. I chewed slowly, trying to place where I had experienced this flavor before. It was as if I had eaten this exact muffin at some point in my past.

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