Chp 4 : pretty boy

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Waking up abruptly, I realized with a sinking feeling that my alarm hadn't gone off - today was the day of my last paper. In a rush, I scrambled out of bed, opting for a cold shower to jolt my senses awake. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I hastily donned my uniform and began fixing my hair in front of the mirror.

However, my hurried routine was interrupted by my mother's urgent shout from downstairs, threatening to leave me behind if I didn't make my way downstairs immediately. Knowing that she meant business and unwilling to face a 30-minute walk to school, I hastily grabbed my backpack and dashed downstairs.

Without a moment to spare, I found myself in the car, my mother at the wheel, racing towards school to ensure I didn't miss my final exam.

"It's your last paper, isn't it? Do your best, Wooyoung. Mom is always cheering you on. And remember, if you're unsure about one question, move on to the next. Don't dwell on it and waste time, okay? It's just a paper. No need to feel pressured," his mother advised with a reassuring smile.

"I know, Mom. Thank you for always supporting me and never putting too much pressure on me," Wooyoung replied gratefully.

"Always, my baby," she replied tenderly, planting a kiss on his head.

With a quick kiss in return, Wooyoung hurried off to his class, knowing he was running late. The exam was starting in less than five minutes, and he couldn't afford to be delayed any longer.

Wooyoung's pov:

As I arranged my belongings in my locker and grabbed my pouch, I couldn't help overhearing Antheia and Rose discussing the recent murder of our senior. Antheia seemed to express a sentiment of satisfaction about his demise, suggesting that he deserved the fate he met. I couldn't help but agree silently, recalling my own close call with his malicious actions. Nevertheless, I pushed those dark memories aside with the reminder that justice had been served, and focused on the task at hand. Glancing at my watch, I realized time was slipping away.

At home:

My mother is a working woman, so it's rare for her to be home to greet me after school. But I don't mind one bit. She's the best mom I could ever ask for. After my father passed away, things were tough, but she never let us down. In fact, she went above and beyond for us, taking on both the roles of mother and father. She's always been there for me, actively participating in all aspects of my life. She's truly the perfect woman.

Despite the midsummer heat, today the breeze feels refreshingly cool, making it the perfect day to enjoy the balcony. I retrieve my blender and gather milk, sugar, and strawberries. Pouring a bit of milk into the blender, I add two spoons of sugar and a handful of frozen strawberries, blending them together. I'm always mesmerized by the transformation of colors, from a creamy white to delicate pastel pink, eventually deepening into a rich shade of pink.

With my strawberry smoothie poured into my favorite black tumbler, I head straight to the balcony to savor the cool breeze and the delicious taste of my homemade creation.

As I sat on the balcony, enjoying my smoothie, I couldn't help but notice that Antheia's room window was open. Living next door, her window provided a clear view into her room from my vantage point. Moments later, Antheia emerged from her bathroom, clad in a bathrobe, and I was completely captivated by her presence. She exuded a radiant beauty that seemed to illuminate the entire room, reminiscent of those mesmerizing scenes from K-dramas where the male lead is spellbound by the female lead's allure, everything moving in slow motion.

Our eyes met briefly, and for a fleeting moment, it felt as though time stood still. However, she simply retrieved something from her bed - presumably her clothes - before disappearing back into the bathroom.

Clearing my throat, I tried to shake off the surreal encounter and returned my focus to my smoothie. But my mind couldn't help but wander, pondering over the unexpected rush of emotions I felt. Could it be... that I have a slight crush on her?

Antheia possesses an effortless blend of beauty, kindness, popularity, academic prowess, and athletic talent. She seems to excel at everything she sets her mind to, and her undeniable attractiveness only adds to her allure.




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