Chp17: Mr.handsome 🌸

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As my mom requested, I took the initiative to guide Antheia through the familiar territory of my room. Our usual friendly banter filled the air, creating a comfortable atmosphere. Midway through our conversation, a sudden curiosity struck me, prompting me to inquire about how she had saved my number in her phone. Her reaction caught me off guard-her cheeks flushed crimson, and she seemed flustered by the question.

Intrigued by her response, I couldn't resist teasing her further. In a mischievous move, I reached out and gently plucked her phone from her grasp, intending to check for myself. But Antheia wasn't about to let me get away with it that easily. With a mixture of surprise and determination, she lunged for her phone, sparking a playful tug-of-war between us. In the midst of our struggle, laughter filled the room as we both lost our balance and tumbled to the floor, entangled in a heap of limbs and laughter.

An intruder came and ruin our moment. None other my own mom calling us downstairs for the dessert also asking for us to make it quick whatever we are doing. Ofcourse she saw in what position we were. Our stolen moment of intimacy was abruptly shattered by an unwelcome intruder-my own mom. Her voice pierced through the air, summoning us downstairs for dessert and urging us to make it quick, regardless of what we were occupied with. And of course, she couldn't help but notice the compromising position we were in, adding an extra layer of embarrassment to the situation.

As the echo of my mom's footsteps faded down the stairs, leaving us alone once more, I couldn't help but tease Antheia to pick up where we left off. With a mischievous grin, I leaned in, ready to reignite the moment. However, instead of meeting my playful banter with a smirk or a witty retort, Antheia's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, resembling ripe tomatoes. Her usually composed demeanor faltered, and she began to babble incoherently, her words stumbling over each other in a rush of nerves. Caught off guard by her sudden change in demeanor, I watched in amusement as she hastily scrambled to her feet, as if propelled by an invisible force. With a swift movement, she darted towards the door, her retreat so abrupt it was almost comical. Her swift exit left me chuckling softly, amused by her uncharacteristic reaction.

As I rose to join the rest of the family downstairs, I noticed that Antheia's phone still rested in my hand. With a playful smirk, I tucked it securely into the pocket of my slacks, knowing she'd come looking for it soon enough. My anticipation for dessert grew with each step, my sweet tooth practically pleading for a taste. Mom had teased me all day, insisting we wait until nightfall, but now the moment had finally arrived.

A small smile played on my lips as I descended the stairs, eager to satisfy my craving and indulge in the sweet treat waiting below.

As the evening wound down and it was time for our guests to bid farewell, the atmosphere remained filled with lighthearted conversations and shared laughter. After assisting Mom with tidying up and washing the dishes, I retreated to the familiarity of my room to prepare for the night ahead.

As I undressed to change into my nightwear, I absentmindedly removed my watch and discovered something unexpected in my slacks pocket. With a chuckle, I realized that Antheia had been so flustered earlier that she had forgotten about her phone, leaving it in my care all this time. With a fond smile, I placed her phone on the bedside table, making a mental note to return it to her the next time we crossed paths.

With the evening's events behind me, I proceeded with my nightly routine, grateful for the moments shared and the memories made.

Restless on my bed, sleep eluded me, my attention drawn to the phone resting innocently on the bedside table. Curiosity gnawed at me, urging me to uncover the mystery of how Antheia had saved me in her contacts. With a determined resolve, I sat up and reached for her phone, feeling a rush of adrenaline as I prepared to unlock its secrets.

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