Chapter 1

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An anxious Roxanne taps her foot against the car floor as an attempt to calm herself down. The nerves were still not going away as she was overthinking everything as one does when they're going to a new school. However this was slightly different for she was going to RavenWood Academy, the most prestigious private school in the country. Not to mention that she had switched schools in October, in her final year of highschool. She stared down at her new uniform, a quite simple design really. A simple navy blue blazer with the school logo on it on the left chest area, with a white shirt underneath,a navy blue tie with deep red stripes, a navy blue pleated skirt and white ankle length socks. She wondered if she'll be able to make new friends.

She stared out the window as the car approached the grandiose school gates. She felt like her heart was about to pump out of her chest when the car entered the school parking lot. Her driver, Michael, helped her get out of the car and got her suitcases out of the trunk for her. "Thanks sure we can't just go back home.. i mean i could do online school." Roxy says. Michael chuckles at this and says: "I fear it's too late miss, plus i know you'll be just fine after all this is the best school in the country." Michael replies politely and walks ahead of her with the suitcases in hand, heading to the main entrance of the administration building. Roxy sighs and walks closely behind. As they walk, Roxy can't help but stare at the beautiful gardens and buildings, she saw all types of flowers and she saw a couple of students walking around campus.

They reach the main entrance and are greeted by the principal, Mrs. Oakes. She greets them warmly and soon enough Michael has to leave. Roxy feels her heart drop as she waves to the only familiar face but she knows she has no choice. So she puts on her best smile and looks at the principal. "We're so happy to have you with us Roxanne! Welcome to RavenWood!" Principal Oakes says with a bright smile. "I'm glad to be here! It's incredibly beautiful and please call me Roxy." Roxy says returning the smile. Mrs. Oakes beams at this and says; "Ok much as I'd love to show you around, i have a meeting in 6 minutes, but I scheduled a meeting with you right before lunch. Instead someone very special here will show you around. Now girls I'll leave you to it!" She immediately leaves before Roxy even had the chance to say anything. She's left standing there, she looks in front of her and notices the girl in question for the first time. She's so pretty, is the first thing that crosses Roxy's mind when she sees her.

The girl in front of her is wearing the same uniform as hers except instead of a blazer she has a navy blue v-neck sweater on with the same school logo on the upper left side of the chest. Another thing that Roxy notices is that the girl has a badge that reads 'Student Body President' in that same area. The girl has opposite features to Roxy, while Roxy is pretty pale, the girl has darker/brown skin. While Roxy has green eyes and ginger hair, the girl has dark brown eyes and long black braids. They are however the same height, both standing at about 5'3. Another thing that Roxy notices, is this girl's aura. She just screams expensive. From the vivienne Westwood necklace around her neck to the Prada loafers that she has on, to even her scent, 'versace maybe?' Roxy thought to herself. She makes a mental note to herself that she must be from a prestigious family.

The girl clears her throat, like she can sense she's being analysed. "Sorry i didn't even present myself, I'm Leilani Campbell, the student body president. I'll be showing you around today." Leilani says with a bright smile while giving Roxy her hand to shake. Roxy gladly shakes it and says: "No need to apologise...i was the one making things awkward really...I'm Roxanne Blairs, but everybody calls me Roxy. Nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too Roxy....shall we then?" Leilani says motioning to the school and helping Roxy with one of her suitcases. They first head to the dorms while making small talk. "Well here's your dorm room! Would've introduced you to your new roommate but everybody's currently in class." Leilani says opening the door to a room. "Oh. My. Gosh.......this place is so pretty." Roxy says already fangirling, Leilani chuckles at this and says: "Yea the school really met everyone's expectations when it came to the dorms." The room was so specious, with two rather big beds on either side of the room. It had a closet and its own bathroom too.

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