Chapter 5

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The pentagon went in different directions when they all first arrived. Leilani was sat on Levi's lap on one of the bean bags and they both seemed to be having a conversation with Lena who sat next to them. Haruna and Kira were both talking to some girls from the soccer team and Caleb on the other hand was no where to be found.

As soon as Roxy spotted Lena with them, she saw this as an opportunity to smoothly start a conversation with the golden couple. So she confidently stood up, giving a dumb excuse to Emma and started heading their way. She was mentally preparing herself with each step that she took until somebody stood in her way. She looked up just to see Chuck......the guy Leilani herself had told her to be wary of. "Heyyyyy new or something? I've always loved red heads." Chuck said while clearly being intoxicated.

They were barely an hour in and somebody was already drunk. It wasn't a surprise that people had snuck in alcohol really, with all the teachers being in other sections and with them being seniors, nobody even batted an eye. 'What a lightweight' Roxy thought to herself as she tried to get past him. But this guy was clearly not budging. "Come on babe.....I'll let you pass if-if you say the magic word.....hahaha....even a kiss would work though." Chuck said this time forcing himself on Roxy. Just as she was about to punch him in the face, he was pushed away from her.

"Get off of her you creep!" None other than an annoyed Caleb said. "Woah chill dude, can't you just be satisfied with the chicks you already pull damn." Chuck said while glaring at Caleb. Caleb on the other hand didn't say anything back but made one step towards him. At this Chuck immediately backed away and walked away while slurring on his words. Caleb watched him walk away and only after making sure he was gone, he turned back to Roxy.

"You okay Rosanne? Dude's an even bigger asshole when he's drunk." Caleb said in a neutral tone. "Well i'm ok now thanks to you..." she responded not believing that Caleb just did that for her. In reality he would do that for anyone because unlike many guys...Caleb isn't an asshole. "Oh and it's Roxy by the way!" She added while maintaining eye contact. "Oh right my bad....I'll get going then." He said while looking around awkwardly and staring at anything but her. Just as he was starting to walk away Roxy called out to him, "Wait Caleb! Have you seen Lena?" She innocently asked.

Now, she already knew the answer but since her view was blocked from everybody standing in the way, she figured she'd just get Caleb to lead her there and hopefully interact with him even more. "Oh ummm..i saw her with Leilani and Lev earlier...maybe she's still there, wait come on I'll show you, i was heading there anyway." He said while walking ahead. Roxy quickly caught up to him and started asking him questions. " long have you been friends with the others?" He slightly looked at her and responded with "Well I've been friends with Lev since we were like 8 and with the girls since like freshman year." When she saw that he wasn't gonna elaborate farther, she decided to just respond with an 'mmhmm'.

The three people she had been looking for all night could finally be spotted. As she got closer she noticed that Haruna and Kira had joined the others. "Eyyy Cal man, where were you all this time?" Levi said while smiling as soon as he saw his best friend. "Well long story short i went to get something to drink and ended up being a knight in shining armour." Caleb responded while flexing his muscles. "Who was the damsel in distress then?" Haruna asked with a laugh. "Haha that would be me!" Roxy said while stepping away from Caleb and seating next to Lena. The pentagon silently glanced at each other and Caleb just shrugged while taking a nearby scattered bean bag and placing it at the feet of Runa and Kira who were sitting on a bench. While Roxy and Lena were busy having a conversation, Kira silently asked Caleb "why did you bring her here Cal?" "She said she wanted to see Lena so i brought her here of course." He responded while taking a sip from the beer bottle he had just snatched from Levi.

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