Chapter 7

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⚠️TW! There are brief mentions of SA later in the chapter.

It was now the next day and it seemed like the dorm had already heard of what had happened last night. Guess rumours spread quick at Ravenwood. Roxy had gone to the library in order to do one of her assignments in peace, when she overheard two girls talking about her. "I can't believe that Roxy girl said that..." girl one said. "I know right that's so embarrassing, she really thought she could be part of the pentagon." Responded the second girl while laughing a little. This really pissed Roxy off, so she just straight up walked up to them. "Next time you talk about people, make sure to do a fact check." She hissed at them. Though they didn't really expect her to hear them, one of them immediately answered: "Well next time you decide to embarrass yourself make sure somebody doesn't hear you. The walls have ears babes." She ended with a smirk and they both walked away while laughing.

Roxy was pretty much sure that it was the pentagon themselves who spread the rumour, even if she had no proof of this whatsoever. She now had no admiration towards them, nothing but raw hatred. She felt ridiculed as she walked through campus. A bunch of people were staring at her, even freshmen. She now realised how much influence the rvp actually had. She decided she wouldn't do anything for now but she promised herself that she would get revenge on them.

*time skip*
It had now been little over a month and a half since Roxy was at Ravenwood and she had avoided the pentagon at all costs. Sure there was awkward eye contact here and there, cause they had classes together after all. But otherwise she had been under the radar and only hanging out with Aryan and Emma, and also Lena when she wasn't busy. The pentagon didn't say a word either though there had been rumours that they'd bully her.

Things had definitely cooled down earlier though. Since just a week later two sophomores had been caught doing drugs on school premises and had been expelled, Roxy's story was forgotten just as quickly as it started. That doesn't mean that she doesn't remember though. She was set on getting her revenge.

There was a game coming up that Friday and everyone was hyped up. She had already attended two games before that and she did get the hype but she wasn't feeling it this time. "Come on have to come. You can literally study later." Emma urged the unbudging girl. "I don't know man...there's an important test coming up and i always fail this class." Roxy responded giving her friend a serious look. "This time i agree with Emma, Rox. I mean we're most likely to win this Friday, so the vibes will 100% be immaculate. Not to mention the next day is Leilani's birthday, and all seniors are invited." Aryan nonchalantly said. This had Roxy thinking.....this was the best opportunity to get back at them. "You know what....fuck it I'll just come." She said and her two friends smiled at her. She now just had to think of what she would wear for both events.

It was now the highly anticipated Friday evening and you could just tell that everybody was excited. You could see their side full of navy blue and white, the school colours. And the other side with green and white, the other school's colours. Roxy had decided to wear a simple navy blue sweat shirt with a white shirt underneath and some black pants. Her and Lena even had matching blue and white stripes across their faces. (And so did half of the school was like a tradition.)


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