Chapter 13

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Roxy had skipped lunch, too scared of what the pentagon would do after what she pulled earlier that day. She was now in art class, a class she had with only Lena. So no drama whatsoever. A knock was heard on the classroom door just as Mrs. O'Brien was about to announce who had the highest grade for the art project. Mrs. O'Brien went to open the door and peered her head out. Laughter was soon heard right after, so they all assumed she was probably talking to some other teacher. She walked back in, a smile still present on her face and said "Roxanne, you're needed outside. Now don't take too long!" The last sentence addressed to whoever was outside. Roxy was confused but stood up never the less. Just as she was about to leave, she glanced at Lena who was now staring at the door with wide eyes. A confused Roxy also looked at the door, and her mouth almost dropped when she saw who it was.

None other than Caleb and Kira were smiling at her from the doorway. Lena who was facing Roxy's back was trying to tell the two pentagon members to just let it go with all kind of hand gestures and facial expressions. She still tried to save her friend even though she knew it was useless since the rvp had already made their minds up. Roxy walked out of the classroom hesitantly, as soon as the classroom door closed behind her she faced the two rvp members. "What do you guys want? How did you even manage to convince her to let me go?" She said as confidently as she could. "You'd be surprised what being part of the student council could get you around here." Caleb said smirking and moving towards her. She backed up a bit but didn't realise that Kira was right behind her. Kira hooked their arms together, as if they had been school friends for years. Caleb also put his arm around her shoulder and they started leading her into the unknown.

"However, we're gonna show you what being a bitch will get you." Kira said with gritted teeth but completely changed her facial expression when they walked past some teachers. "You couldn't come up with something better? Going to the dean? Really Rosanne?" Caleb whispered in her ear, the smirk still present on his face. Roxy could feel goosebumps all over her body. She didn't want to admit it but she was scared. She realised they were leading her to the school swimming pool. That place was only ever open when there were competitions. She was scared of what was waiting for her there.

The two rvps opened the doors and pushed her inside. Roxy looked around, the pool was to her right and in front of her, were the other members. Leilani was sitting on a lone chair, while Levi and Haruna were standing on either side of her. The remaining two also joined them and the five of them just stared at her for a few seconds. For some reason Lucas wasn't there today. "Now Roxanne, i may have forgotten to tell you something on your first day......we're Oakes' favourites babe. So whatever trick you try to pull that involves her will 100% fail." Leilani said while slowly walking up to her. Face void of emotion. "When are you gonna understand that you won't be able to beat us no matter what you do huh?" Haruna who had also moved to Roxy's side said while moving a lock of hair from Roxy's face. Roxy slightly flinched at the movement. And this didn't go unnoticed by the rvp. They had noticed that her barrier was slowly crumbling down. Levi smirked and also moved forward.

"'re scaring the poor girl. How about we start over hmm? How about we get to know each other Rox after all that's what you wanted right?" Levi said while placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. Haruna and Leilani were snickering as they backed away from the two. Levi put his arm around her shoulder and led her to the chair. Roxy tried to keep her calm and sat begrudgingly down. She had decided to just roll with whatever they said since she realised she didn't have a way out anyway. 'It's better not to piss them off for now' she thought to herself.

Caleb and Levi were on either side of her, slightly putting pressure on her shoulders so she couldn't get up. Something that had become oh so familiar. "Since we're doing about we ask questions one by one? What do y'all think?" The rvp nodded at Kira's suggestion. "Ohh ok I'll easy one, where are you from Roxy?" Caleb asked with a bright smile on his face. The girl didn't answer at first until Caleb painfully pressed on her shoulder. "C-Cali. I'm from LA, California." She winced.
"!" Caleb said and waited for Levi to continue. "Oh i have a good one..why are you a pain in the ass?" He asked nonchalantly and Kira busted out laughing. "Be nice Lev." Leilani said giving him a look. "Right my bad...umm how old are you?" Levi said looking down at her. "18" she responded looking ahead. "Why'd you move here?" Haruna asked while slightly tilting her head. "Personal reasons." She answered in a stern voice, her eyes darkening a bit. The pentagon gave each other looks but decided not to push it. "All right....are you a natural red head?" Kira asked enthusiastically. Roxy gave her a weird look but still responded "...yea?" "Good cause otherwise your hairdresser needs to be fired." Kira said causing all of them to burst out laughing.

Roxy kept a stern look on her face and they finally collected themselves. "Sorry sorry...we're not being nice. Well before i ask my question, you also get to play. Come on, ask us anything." Leilani said while slightly crouching down in order to be at eye level with the seated girl. Roxy thought it through, I mean she had had a phase where she had nothing but questions for them but now only one was begging to be asked. "Why did you do that to Lena? She's so sweet, how could you hang out with her ex? I even thought Caleb liked her." She said and the silence that engulfed them became loud . "Ha...that's none of your business kid." Caleb said with a scoff and signalled Leilani to just continue. Roxy slightly scoffed, she didn't know why she had even expected a genuine answer from them. "Ok my turn...we heard you were on the swim team at your former school, is that true?" She asked.

Roxy didn't think it through and just nodded. To her surprise, Leilani widely grinned and nodded at the two boys. She felt her chair being pulled towards the edge of the pool that's when she started struggling. She couldn't get up though because Haruna and Kira had backed the boys up in keeping her down. Leilani watched as the four of them pulled a struggling Roxanne to the edge of the pool. She approached them in slow steps, arms crossed. She placed her hands on each side of Roxanne and was now dangerously close to her face. "Ok show us just how talented you are then." Leilani said with an evil smirk and pushed the chair right into the water. Leilani's cold gaze and luxurious scent was the last thing Roxanne remembered before she fell backwards and was engulfed by the water.

As she sank down the chair scratched her leg but she didn't care, she had to get to the surface. She gasped for air as she finally reached the surface. She now found her self almost in the middle of the pool. Her ears were slightly ringing but she could still hear the pentagon laughing. "Oh my gosh..this really reminded me of the little mermaid. Bravo Roxy." Kira snorted while clapping. "I give it a solid 6/10, i was expecting more of an Olympics worthy performance." Levi said with a smile on his face while dabbing up a laughing Caleb. "Gosh, wish we could hang more but it's almost time for our chemistry class, we wouldn't want to be late now would we?" Haruna said with a smile and winked in Roxy's direction. "She's right, it was fun but we got to go. Oh and don't forget to bring the chair with you when you're done finding nemo." Leilani said with a smirk and turned to leave. "Yea bring the chair out, it's supposed to be good for the environment or something." Caleb said. "That doesn't even make sense you dumbass" Levi said as they all walked out of the place.

Roxy couldn't quite believe that they had just done that. She swam back to the edge of the pool and just sat there for a while. She wasn't crying, but she was angry. So fucking angry. How did they even know that she used to be in a swim team. The only person she had ever told that was.....Lena. She didn't know what to think of it but she was fuming.

Meanwhile as the rvp was walking to their class, Leilani says "Hopefully she gets the message once and for all. I'm sick and tired of this drama". The pentagon nods in agreement. "Oh and about Lucas...don't y'all think it's time?" Caleb asks looking at his friends. They all turn to look at Leilani. "Yea you're right....he had enough fun. He's next on the hit list." She said and they all simultaneously nodded. Lucas Kingsley, you don't know what's coming for you.

Author's note: hey guysss, been a while. I've been super busy cause i have a bunch of exams coming up so i think the next update will probably be next Friday I'm sorryyyy :(
But i do hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to share your thought! Peace✌️

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