Chapter 2

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Roxy walks out of the principal's office feeling more drained than ever, that had felt like the longest hour of her life. The principal went on and on about the rules and blah blah blah. Roxy remembers that it was now lunch time and tries remembering the way to the cafeteria. When she finally makes it there she gets in line to get food, she's so surprised by the food selection honestly but tries to play it cool. When she's done she tries to find Leilani aka the only person she knows there.

As she's just kinda standing there looking around, two people approach her, one guy and one girl. "Hey girl, you're the new girl in our class right? I'm Aryan." The boy said, holding out his hand which Roxy gladly shook. "And i'm Emma" the girl said. Roxy introduced herself to them as well. First thing she noticed about these two was that they were both very bubbly and seemed close. Aryan was brown, he had just told her that he was from Pakistan. He had black hair and brown eyes and was probably around 5'9, he also had this feminine energy around him. Emma on the other hand had pink dyed hair and a heavy British accent. She was about 5'5 and had blue eyes. "Wanna come sit with us?" Emma asks and Roxy just simply nods not wanting to be rude though she'd rather join Leilani who she had spotted at this point.

They all head to a table with like other four people already seated. They all introduce themselves but she wasn't really listening. She later finds out that Emma and Aryan were dating which kinda took her aback cause she thought he was💅. As lunch continued she couldn't help herself but stare at Leilani's table. Aryan noticed this and said: "I see you've already found interest in the pentagon." At this Roxy turns to face Aryan. "Huh, what do you mean the pentagon?" She asks confused. "Ohhh so nobody told you.....Emma fill her in, this is your expertise." Aryan says. Emma who had been listening the whole time then looks at Roxy and tells her to look at Leilani's table, then she starts explaining;

"So that group over there is who everyone calls Raven's Pentagon, aka the rvp or the pentagon. They're basically the most influential people at this school. Everybody either wants to date them or be them though they know that those two are as impossible as being apart of them. You see they're a very tight knit group, they always hang out with each other, but that doesn't mean that they don't have any other friends." "Emma thinks she's friends with them because Caleb once asked her for a pen during maths." Aryan says while laughing. "Shut up and let me finish" Emma says and continues:

"So you see the girl with the Dior headband? That's Haruna Yamazaki though everybody just calls her Runa. She's so nice and soft spoken, i talked to her a couple of times and she's just so genuine. Her parents are famous lawyers. The girl with the bouncy curls that's sitting on the table is Kira Benson, she's a total party animal. We once went to the same concert and i kid you not she jumped on stage and they even got her a mic. She's super nice as well, i don't know if you know the company but her dad owns Benson tech. The pretty blonde dude with a nice smile is Caleb Churchill, he comes from old money. He's literally the nicest dude ever, golden retriever vibes! I may or may have not had a crush in him in junior year. But anyways moving on to Leilani Campbell. That's the girl with the long braids. She's kind of like the leader of the pentagon you may say. She's the smartest person i know to be honest, she's also the student body president, everybody loves her plus her style is unbeatable, she's nice as well. Her parents are millionaires, if not billionaires at this point since they literally own Campbell medics. And lastly pretty boy number two, the one with dark hair and blue eyes. That's Levi Montgomery aka Leilani's boyfriend aka student body vice-president aka captain of the football team. He's so dreamy not gonna lie but he's the only one I've never actually talked to but i assume that he's also nice though quite intimidating. What i do know is that he's the son of a congressman."

"Damn that's a lot to take in....i actually talked a lot with Leilani today, she was my tour guide! Didn't know she was that 'untouchable'." Roxy says still looking at the pentagon's table. Every body becomes dead silent at the table and just look at her. "What?" Roxy says confused.
"No way" "Leilani?" "I don't think you understand how huge this is" can be heard from all across the table though she doesn't really get why even after all the explanations. "Ok Emma gave you the good part of theirs....but I'll just say it.... Though most of the time they're nice, they can be bullies. And i mean bullies that beat you up, make your social life non existent and even make you switch schools type of bullies. They can be evil and the worst thing is that they target the most random people, even rich kids. People they never talked to and even people that they were cool with. And that's the scary part you never know who's next. They've had three victims so far and haven't bullied anyone in a while but that doesn't mean that you're safe girl. Just be careful and don't try to be apart of them. They're quite literally untouchable since everybody just rolls with everything they say." Aryan says seriously. The conversations around the table continue after a while but Roxy keeps finding herself glancing at their table wishing she was sitting there instead. For some reason Aryan's words just made her even more intrigued by them.

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