Special L+L chapter

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*please note that this was before senior year, so this was before Roxy came into picture and even before they were student council members.

It was now late junior year and summer vacation was on the way. Meaning Leilani and Levi had been dating for about 9 months now. They had never gotten into any serious arguments before but today was a different case. Levi had seen some guy trying to flirt with Leilani and saying that he hadn't taken it well would be an understatement. He was already having a shitty day so when he saw this he was fuming. Leilani had not even accepted any of the guy's advances yet she was getting yelled at. Now one thing about Leilani is that she will not just stand there and be accused of something she didn't do.

"Oh please the guy was basically eye fucking you and you just stood there batting your eyelashes at him." Levi half screamed at her, his jaw tensing up. Sure he got jealous here and there but he never once raised his voice at her like this, especially about such a petty thing. "Levi....just calm the fuck down. I don't even understand why you're this mad, I didn't do shit with the guy. Fuck's sake I don't even know his name Lev!" Leilani tried to reason with her boyfriend but he wasn't having any of it. "I clearly saw you flirting back Lei. Why did this have to happen today of all days? You have absolutely no respect for me, neither for yourself matter of fact. You have a boyfriend LEILANI." He said getting all up in her face.

The moment he said this, her eyebrows scrunched together. "How could you fucking say that Levi? I'm not gonna stand here and let you speak to me like this when I didn't DO SHIT! What hurts the most is that you've chosen not to even believe me. Why would i do that to you huh? Use your head and think for fuck's sake, and get away from me." She said while pushing him away. Tears were now rolling down her cheeks because alas she cried when she was angry. Levi's face softened when he saw her cry but she was already walking out of the empty classroom. He followed her out and attempted to grab her wrist but she removed it from his grip immediately. "Don't touch me." She said while wiping her tears and walking away. Levi was left standing there, the last thing he wanted was to make her cry. He knew this wasn't the right time to run after her so he just walked away with a frown on his face and hands in his pockets.

This time he was more pissed at himself and it kind of showed on his face. If you didn't think that Levi was intimidating before, well now you would. It's like the frown had become permanent when he walked into the cafeteria with Caleb on his side. Caleb wasn't smiling either, its like Levi's mood was contagious. Levi wasn't in the mood for anyone's bullshit at the moment so when a freshman accidentally bumped into his shoulder, Caleb had to calm him down. And when Leilani brushed past him in the hallways without even glancing at him, he knew he had fucked up real bad.

*time skip to after classes had ended*

Football practice had began about 30 minutes ago and coach was especially going hard on them today since there was a game happening soon. Levi glanced at the bleachers to see if Leilani was there. He had looked there about 10 times already and there was no sign of Leilani each and every time. It was their tradition for her to come to one his practices every week, and today was the day she was supposed to show up."Montgomery pick up the pace! Come on let's go boys!" Coach Andrews shouted. The summer rain had decided to drop in right before practice started so now he was wet, sad, disappointed and a bit tired. Still, he gave this practice his all, overwork his body in order for his mind not to think about his girlfriend.

Another 20 minutes had passed and just as Levi was starting to think about the throbbing pain in his right knee, someone sat down on the bleachers. Leilani in all her glory sat down in her sweats and Levi's sweatshirt with an umbrella in hand. Levi smiled widely when he saw her, he couldn't really see her face because of the rain but he knew it was her. So when they finally got a break he immediately ran up to her.

Leilani stood up when he started heading her way and faced him. "Hey." He softly said . "Hey." She responded. "You came...i wasn't really expecting you to come." He said slicking his wet hair back. "I always keep my promises...if you also forgot that." She said looking at the field now and avoiding all eye contact. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her head so that she was looking at him. "I'm sorry love...i really am. I'm an asshole i know. Today's just been really hard for me. Today marks 6 years since mum left.....and I've been really on edge all day. I guess seeing you with that guy set me off. But none of that excuses taking out my anger on you. I said some hurtful things and you don't deserve that, gosh... I'm so sorry. The last thing i wanted was to make you cry I'm so sorry." Levi said and this point he had leaned in so that their foreheads were touching. "That was a pretty shitty thing to say Lev....and yea it was hurtful. It sounded like you didn't trust me and i know you know that i would never do that to you. You should've just told me that you were having a hard time, we could've figured it out together. Communication is key Lev." She softly said .

"I know, i know love. I don't know what got into me and I honestly hate myself for making someone i love cry." He said and she lifted her head, her eyes wide as they looked into his. "You-you love me?" She asked him unsure if she had heard him right or if her mind was playing tricks on her. This was the first time Levi had told her that he loved her or even suggested that. Levi didn't even realise that he had said that since it came out so naturally. "Yes i do love you Lei, it took me long enough to say it." He said with a small chuckle. She smiled brightly and said "I love you too Lev, i realised it a while ago but never really had the guts to say it out loud." She looked down a bit and Levi lifted her head up yet again. He wanted her to look him in the eyes while he said this.

"I also realised it a while back actually. I didn't really know when to tell you, i wanted to make the moment special. Sorry i ruined it by being an asshole today....will you forgive me love?" He said, begging with his eyes. "Of course you dumbass, but pull this stunt on me again and i swear you won't be able to have kids in the future." She said and they both laughed. "Oww...I'll keep that in mind." He said while closing the space between them. Their lips collided and they started softly making out. Savouring the moment. Leilani's hands found their way to his hair as she lightly tugged on it. The umbrella was by now long forgotten. Levi had pulled her warm body against his cold one and it was like it was just the two of them. After a while they both separated gasping for air with shy smiles.

"Great now I look like a wet rat thanks to you." She said while playfully glaring at him. "Oh babe, you look like that every day don't worry." He said while playfully winking. She gasped and started hitting his arm. "Owww i was just joking..I'm sorry owww....you're beautiful babe." He said while cheesing so hard. He then pulled her into his arms and hugged her real tight. He then cupped her face in his hands and gave her one last kiss. They were both so caught up in the moment that they almost didn't hear the rest of the football team hyping them up.

'Woah get it guys.' 'Damn Montgomery!' 'You guys making out in the rain is so cliché HAHAH' could be heard from all around the group. "Don't y'all have better things to do." Levi said while smiling at his teammates and playfully sticking his middle finger out. The two love birds just looked at each other, just happy that they had each other to count on. No matter what.

Author's note: ahhhh i want what they have frrr, i love them!
Double update!! Don't forget to comment your thoughts;)

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